

Is Canada ready for legal marijuana?
来源: Bob Mok

The Federal Government is pushing ahead with its goal to legalize the  recreational use of Marijuana by July 1, 2018. Many people feel that the program is ill-prepared for launching as there are questions yet to be answered involving various aspects of control regarding sales and law enforcement.


Since 1923, Marijuana was added to the Confidential Restricted List under the Narcotics Drug Act Amendment Bill in Canada. The maximum penalty for possession of small quantities was six months in prison and a $1,000 fine for a first offence. There were 25 convictions between 1930 and 1946, to 12,000 in 1972. The Narcotics Control Act of 1961 increased maximum penalties to “14 years to life imprisonment”. To our knowledge, no one was ever sentenced to life imprisonment for this offence.

大麻治病已经有几千年历史。许多族裔用大麻治病。 2001年,加拿大开始允许使用大麻治病,加拿大卫生部为此颁布了“大麻医疗用途条例”(ACMPR)。该条例规定只有那些有营业执照的人才能从事大麻的播种,种植和生产。

Medicinal use of Marijuana has a history dating back thousands of years across many cultures. Regulated medicinal use of marijuana became legal in Canada in 2001 under conditions outlined in the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR) issued by Health Canada which also  issues licences for the cultivation of seed, grain and fibre production.


Medicinal marijuana is used primarily to treat chemotherapy induced nausea and  vomiting. It is also used to treat peripheral pains relating to nerves. Studies showed that uses are “somewhat effective” with these conditions but benefits are inconclusive for other treatments such as long term pains and anorexia associated with AIDS.


The use of medicinal marijuana is legal in a number of countries, some of which include Canada, Chile, Colombia, Germany,Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Peru, and Uruguay. Australia has passed laws to allow the use of marijuana for medicinal and scientific purposes in some states. In the United States, 29 states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation permitting the possession, use, and distribution of medicinal marijuana in some form.

在二十世纪六十年代,大麻成为整个北美地区大受欢迎的毒品。它在那些来自中产家庭的大学生中倍受欢迎(许多人被称为“嬉皮士”),随后,大麻流行到其他群体。 1969年,加拿大政府成立了皇家非药物毒品调查委员会,调查在加拿大非药用大麻的使用情况。该委员会在1972年的报告中建议取消对大麻拥有者刑法处置的条款,但不建议大麻合法化。随后的两界的联邦政府均讨论了这个建议,但没有改变法律。

In the 1960's, Marijuana surged in popularity throughout North America as a drug. It was popular among middle-class college students (many labelled as “Hippies”), only later expanding to other demographics. In 1969, the government formed the Royal Commission of Inquiry in the Non-Medicinal Use of Drugs to investigate the non-medicinal marijuana use in Canada. The commission's 1972 report recommended removing criminal penalties for marijuana possession but not for legalization. The subsequent two federal governments discussed the recommendation but they did not take steps to change legislation.

90年代期间,大麻的使用人数大大增加。安大略省1996年至2000年的统计数据显示,18至29岁的人口使用大麻的人从18%上升至28%。 2016年10月的一项全国民意调查显示,大约有500万加拿大成年人当时每月至少吸一次大麻。在大麻合法化后,预计这一数字将增加19%。这可能是一个非常夸张的估计,因为这意味着每六名加拿大人中就有一人吸大麻。

Marijuana use increased significantly during the 1990s. Statistics for Ontario between 1996 and 2000 indicated that use among 18-29 year olds increased from 18% to 28%. An October 2016 national poll suggests that about five million adult Canadians then use marijuana at least once a month and this was expected to increase by 19 percent after marijuana is legalized. This may be a very inflated estimate as that represents one marijuana user in every six Canadians.


In response to popular opinion, Justin Trudeau, the then leader of the Liberal Party of Canada committed to legalizing marijuana for personal use while campaigning during the Canadian federal election, 2015. The Liberals won the election with 184 seats, and formed a majority government with Trudeau as Prime Minister. The plan was to remove marijuana possession for personal consumption from the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act; however, new laws would be enacted for greater punishment of those convicted of supplying marijuana to minors and impairment while driving a motor vehicle.


In late November 2017, the legislation to leglize marijuana for recreational use (Bill C-45) was passed by the federal House of Commons with an effective date of July 1, 2018 subject to the approval of the Bill by the Senate prior to that date. The Bill stipulates that the provinces will have the power to determine the method of distribution and sale and each will also establish the legal age for marijuana use. An excise tax will also be levied and the revenues are to be shared with the  provinces.


Everythings seems to fall into place so what can go wrong with this legislation to allow Canada to become the second country on earth to legalize marijuana (the first being Uruguay)? Since both levels of the Federal and Provincial governments are involved in kick starting the program, we have to expect delays and confusions in executing the task, right?

Next time, I will explore the logistic nightmares to get this program ready by July 1, 2018.



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