
微信 虚假信息的温床

WeChat: hotbed of fake stories
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


Growing amount of fabricated news has made its way into the lives of citizens as social media platforms increasingly replaces traditional news outlets to become their dominant information sources. The fake news problem on mainstream social media has become so widespread that it forced Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to admit recently that he was wrong to deny its existence.

如果说Facebook是假新闻的温床,那么作为中国社交媒体平台的“微信”也是虚假信息泛滥之地。据《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)报导,目前腾讯微信App上约有140万则不实信息在传播,相当于每秒刊登出大约15则(每分钟约1000则)不实消息。

If Facebook is a hotbed of fake news, misinformation has also run wide on Chinese social media platform WeChat. According to South Morning Post, about 1.4 million untrue stories are spreading across the Tencent messing app, which is about 15 stories per second, or 1000 per minutes.  


Chinese authorities have waged a war against misinformation on its online platforms, using AI technology and sophisticated software to weed out any information deemed “fake”. But Chinese officialdom itself has a longstanding and deep-rotted culture of falsification, and it is a common practice that they alter the info considered hurting the country’s image or posing a threat to the government authority. Apart from its powerful censorship machine to gag free speech, any data released on the platforms -- from economic numbers to death tolls caused by pollution have lost its authenticity and raised widespread scepticisms among the international community.


Chinese government’s lying practices may serve as a symbol for the nation, prompting others to follow the suit. Many have churned out information that meets their self-serving agenda, tapping into public concerns over personal and financial wellbeing and sparking fears over cancer and money risks. While political sensitive posts are unable to fly under the authority’s radar, many rumours concerning food, disease and personal-health have been mostly undetected and slipped through the government’s censorship. 


“Late stage cancer can be healed, using traditional Chinese medicine share this to your moments and your friends will be grateful! “Tech news: The US has officially announced that genetically modified products are toxic!!” “Five year old girl in the last stage of cancer! Doctor advice not to eat these nine kinds of snacks!” 39 per cent of misinformation on WeChat were tips to maintain a healthier body and lifestyle and nearly a third had the word “cancer”, according to the information from TenCent, the owner of WeChat.


The fact that the information was spread through family and friends has made WeChat a more trustworthy than other media platforms in China.  “Rumors on WeChat are most difficult rumors to deal with,” said Kuang Wenbo, a professor at Renmin University’s School of Journalism and Communication, as social-media users were far more likely to believe rumors disseminated over WeChat than through Weibo.

虽然Facebook执行总裁扎克伯格(Mark Elliot Zuckerberg)被迫承认其打造的社交媒体巨头在传播虚假新闻方面扮演了不光彩的角色,但却没有人对微信上流传的大量虚假信息负责。很显然,这些虚假信息的受害者是那些依赖微信而获取新闻信息的无辜用户们,他们必须对这些信息的真实性进行自我验证,否则只能沦为各种骗局的牺牲品。

If Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is forced to admit the disgraceful role that his media giant has played in spreading fake news, no one has been held accountable for the massive rumours on WeChat. Apparently, the victims to the lying practices are innocent users who rely on the platform to consume news information. They are on their own to verify what has been fed to them or risk of becoming predators to the prey.



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