Take advantages of TFSA, RRSP, LIRA, RRIF, HBP, LIF, RIFF makes you pay less taxes!
来源: Bob Mok

This is my second article on Canada's Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA). For the earlier article, please click here: http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/671172
If you have never taken advantage of this tax free vehicle to built up your wealth over the last decade, then you must consider using it now. You have a chance to fill up the account with a total amount of $75500 and earn as much as you can without paying a penny on the profits. I just talked to a friend last week and realized that he is making investments in the stock market and paying taxes on his hefty capital gains. He is now talking to his banker to set up his TFSA!
在上一篇文章中,我们详细探讨了TFSA的好处。这次,我们将探讨注册退休储蓄计划(RRSP),锁定退休账户(LIRA)和注册退休收入基金(RRIF)之间的区别。 TFSA的优点在于它是一种条条框框最少,投资灵活的账户。只要你不超过TFSA规定的投资额,你赚取的回报永远不用交税。如果超过规定的年和总投资额度,你每月要为任何超额部分纳1%的税。另外,如果你在任何一年内从TFSA提款,你不能在当年将这些资金还回去。
In the last article, we explored the benefits of the TFSA in detail. This time, we will look at the difference between Registered Retirement Saving Plan (RRSP), Locked-in Retirement Account (LIRA), and Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF). The first thing about TFSA is that it is a totally flexible fund with a minimum number of regulations. As long as you do not over-contribute to the fund and adhere to the yearly allotment amount, you will continue to make tax free money. Otherwise, you pay 1% tax every month on any over-contributions. Also, if you withdraw any amount in any one year then you cannot return it to the fund within the same calendar year.
RRSP is a retirement savings plan that you establish and register with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). A person and his/her spouse or common-law partner can both contribute to a RRSP. Deductible RRSP contributions can be used to reduce your tax at the time of filing a yearly tax return. Any income you earn in the RRSP is usually exempt from tax as long as the funds remain in the plan. This money is most likely withdrawn for use after retirement when the income is supposedly less and so will the person's tax bracket (a lowered tax rate than when one is working).


There is no tax on the growth of the investments inside the RRSP. You have to pay tax when you withdraw funds from the RRSP in most cases. For instance, part of the funds can be withdrawn prior to retirement without incurring additional taxes for enrolment in government program such as Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) to help residents to purchase a home for the first time but funds will have to be returned within 15 years.
LIRA is a special type of registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) into which a person can transfer the amounts that are in a supplemental pension plan (usually from a former employer) or a life income fund (LIF). Unlike a regular RRSP, the amounts in a LIRA are locked-in and can only be used for retirement income. If you have a LIRA it’s because you were part of a pension plan with a previous employer. When you leave an employer prior to retirement, you will be given an options package from the pension plan. You may have the choice to move the money into a personal plan but any locked in portion of the pension must go into a LIRA. LIRAs can be converted to a LIF or an annuity if income is desired.
注册退休收入基金(RIFF)是让金融机构(保险公司,信托公司或银行)在CRA注册的基金。你可在71岁时将RRSP和其他计划里的钱转到RRIF中,让这些机构支付管理和支付你这笔钱。你必须在签订RRIF后的第二年提取年度“最低”金额(目前约为5%)。 CRA设定的目标是你要在20年内用完RRIF中的所有资金(假设从RRIF中的投资没有回报)。 RRIF中的投资回报是免税的,从RRIF中提钱时要扣税,并计入当年的应税收入。你可以随时将RRSP里的钱转换为RRIF。但是,RRSP必须转换为RRIF或年金,或者在你年满71岁前一次性支付。换句话说,通过RRSP延税的手段在你71岁时结束!
RIFF(Registered Retirement Income Fund) is an arrangement between you and a carrier (an insurance company, a trust company or a bank) and register with CRA. You transfer RRSP and other plans into RRIF at age 71, and the carrier makes payments to you. You have to withdraw a yearly “minimum” amount (currently about 5%) in the year following the year the RRIF is entered into. The target set by CRA is for you to withdraw everything in 20 years (assuming no profit from the investments in the RRIF). Earnings in a RRIF are tax-free and amounts paid out of a RRIF are taxable on receipt and added to your taxable income for the year. You can convert your RRSP holdings to a RRIF at any time. However, an RRSP must be converted to a RRIF or annuity, or paid out in a lump sum by the end of the calendar year in which you turn age 71. In other words, all the years of tax deferment through RRSP come to an end when you turn 71!
Upon death, the entire left over amount in the RRIF becomes a part of the estate and subject to taxes. Depending on one's financial situation, they can withdraw more than the mandatory “minimum” allotment each year to avoid the higher tax bracket created by all of the assets left behind upon death.
If a successor holder or beneficiary is named to the TFSA contract with the financial institution or the will of the deceased, the TFSA will be transferred to them. Otherwise, the TFSA property is assessed and valued at Fair Market Value and directed to the deceased holder's estate and distributed in accordance with the terms of the will.
For optimal management of all these plans above, one should contact a qualified financial planner and work out all their needs and qualifications to achieve the best outcome with their hard-earned money. In the mean time, get started on the TFSA. Each day of delay is more money lost to potential gains from tax-free investment opportunities.

