We see Toronto and Ontario governments start to reduce taxes for small business
来源: Bob Mok
Over the last year, the City of Toronto collected many ideas on what it can do to help the small businesses within its boundaries to recover from the Covid 19 pandemic. One of the many ideas is to provide the businesses with property tax relief. Today, the City Council voted to move forward with a 15 per cent property tax reduction to small businesses.
Under this policy, the new small business property tax subclass will come into effect for the 2022 tax year. It is estimated that property tax reductions will apply to approximately 25,000 small businesses across Toronto, or 60 per cent of all commercial properties.
The “Small Business Tax Class” concept has been kicking around for decades in Council. The pandemic serves as a catalyst to push it forward and hasten its implementation. The Provincial Conservative Government also has a hand in this matter - In the 2020 provincial budget, municipalities were given the ability to create a small business tax subclass to provide a lower property tax rate for small businesses within the commercial tax class. Yet to many advocates today's approval is still not enough. They feel that the policy should include more small businesses in the definition and it needs to make sure that the savings are passed on to the commercial tenants.
究竟谁有资格享受这项新政策?市府说,减税将设用于位于市中心、市中心的湖滨区、多伦多市政规划中计划需要经济增长的商业中心或道路两边的商业地主。这些地产必须用于商业或享受新商业税(有些商业地产不能减地税);这些房产的现值评估 (CVA) 必须低于700万元;占地面积必须低于7,500平方英尺,或者商业共管单位的总建筑面积不超过2,500平方英尺。
Who will be eligible for this new policy? Businesses located downtown, on the central waterfront, in designated growth centres or avenues in the City of Toronto’s Official Plan. Properties must be classified within the commercial or new commercial tax class (with certain property types excluded); properties must have a Current Value Assessment (CVA) of less than or equal to $7 million; lot size must be 7,500 square feet or less, or for commercial condos a gross floor area of 2,500 square feet or less.
市政府举例说,对于一个商业单位位于市中心或位于士嘉堡一条大路的路边,其房产评估价为300万元,且占地面积没有超过以上规定,地主明年地税的减免将超过 8,500 元。对于一个在北约克的非零售地点拥有估价不超过100万元的房子里开餐馆,地主明年的地税将减少1,800元以上。
In the examples given by the City: A small business located in the city's downtown or on an avenue in Scarborough with property assessed at $3 million and meeting the lot size limit would see a tax reduction of more than $8,500, while a small neighbourhood restaurant business in North York in a non-retail location with a property value of $1 million would see a reduction of more than $1,800 in annual property taxes.
Small business property owners do not need to apply for this tax relief, as all commercial properties will be assessed for eligibility. A request for reconsideration or appeal process will be available for property owners who feel that their property should be included in the new tax subclass. The provincial government is expected to match the municipal tax rate reduction with a corresponding reduction in the business education tax for all eligible small business property owners as well.
Mayor John Tory said: “We must support small businesses – plain and simple. The pandemic hit small businesses particularly hard, and we have to create smart tax policies to show small business that we have their back. If small businesses don't come back strong, our city doesn't come back strong. We want Toronto to be a city that fosters growth, innovation and economic success – and that starts with the small businesses that line our main streets. A 15 per cent tax reduction for small businesses is one more way we are working to ensure that our city comes back stronger than ever."
For too long, pandemic relief came from the Federal Government. It is refreshing to businesses that help is finally arriving from the City and the province in a timely manner just when we are about to recover from the pandemic and moving forward again.