Peng Shuai saga reveals systematic skepticism against sex assault allegations
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
Peng Shuai’s sexual assault allegations against an influential political leader in China have triggered a global firestorm. In her late-night essay, the Chinese tennis campaign accused Zhang Gaoli, the 75-year-old senior Chinese party leader, of imposing unwanted sex on her during a decade-long affair. As the controversy increasingly gains the global spotlight, Beijing has beefed up its effort to sweep the scandal under the rug. Amid growing global demand for a full, fair and transparent investigation, the state media released an email where Peng disowned her claims. Meanwhile, widespread censorship swept through China in a bid to block any coverage of her story.
彭帅事件暴露了一党专制的中国政府为平息丑闻而不择手段。但同时它显示了中国性侵犯受害者在寻求司法保护,伸张正义的征程上面临的艰巨挑战,也将中国“我也是”运动置于全球镁光灯之下。中国“我也是运动”的领袖人物周晓萱在挑战她所指控对她进行性侵的中国权势人物、著名影视明星的道路上遭受重挫。当她拒绝了警方要求她放弃指控的要求后,这名拒不低头的年轻女权先锋的微博账户被封,而她向这位权势人物提起的法律诉讼也不幸败北。在法庭门外表达其深度失望的周指控中国司法系统缺乏公正。 “我已经竭尽所能,做了一切努力。”
Peng Shuai's saga has exposed the Chinese regime's ruthless effort to silence the controversy. It has also revealed the profound challenges sexual assault survivors in China face in seeking justice, putting China's MeToo Movement under the global spotlight. Zhou Xiao Xuan, a leading figure of China's MeToo Movement, faced crippling setbacks as she took on one of China's most popular TV stars in a landmark case. After she turned down the police demand to drop her complaints against the man she accused of sexually assaulting her, the defiant young feminist found her accounts on Weibo suspended and that the lawsuit against the man ended in her defeat. Zhou accused the court of failing to ensure procedural justice as she expressed her disappointment outside the courthouse. "I've exhausted all my efforts," said Zhou in tears.
但不仅仅是中国的我也是受害者在挑战性侵者时面临困境。在民主国家加拿大,遭性侵、被羞辱的女性的寻求法律保护伸张自身权利的征途也不平坦。普遍存在的认为女性往往在性侵投诉中撒谎的误念使大量性侵投诉犹如石沉大海。据《环球邮报》报道,加拿大警方以毫无根据之由而关闭性侵投诉案例的比例高达20%,远高于其他类型的犯罪,而事实上真正毫无根据的案件(例如误报和恶意报案)的比例仅占2-8%。在所有警方收到的性侵案件中,被投诉者遭指控的案件仅占34%, 而一些妇女投诉者却因报案而遭到公共恶作剧的指控。
But not only MeToo survivors in China face backlash after they speak out. Sexual assault victims in the democratic country of Canada have also embarked on an arduous journey to seek legal protection and get their voices heard. Damaging myths that women often lie about sexual victimization has led to many complaints from women in vain. The Globe investigation has found that police dismissed sexual assault complaints as baseless at nearly 20 percent, dramatically higher than other types of crimes, while actual unfounded cases – such as malicious and mistaken reports were only at 2-8 percent. Among all the reported complaints landed on the police desk, only 34 percent led to a charge, with some complainants themselves facing public mischief charges after making the allegations.
And fewer than half of the cases that reached the trial in Canada ended with a conviction, the lowest conviction rate of any crimes. Under the flawed justice system, the odds seem to be stacked against the sexual assault victims, putting women who courageously came forward through the most painful experience in court. The high profile Jian Ghomeshi trial dismissed the violent sexual assault allegations against the powerful celebrity after the court shattered the credibility of three women complainants. The court needs to avoid the “dangerous false assumption that sexual assault complainants are always truthful,” said the judge. The trial outcome has left many profoundly disappointed.
Discounting the credibility of sexual assault allegations are systemic social and cultural practices across the globe. From Peng Shuai in China to MeToo survivors in Canada, sexual assault victims struggle to get justice as the systems fail to hold the perpetrators accountable.