

来源: 大中报特约 Kevin Jia

Confucius Institute will brainwash Canadian youth

由于多伦多公立教育局开办的孔子学院要求教师对中国政治禁忌话题进行自我审查,令加国家长就中国政府会对加国儿童产生潜移默化的影响倍感担忧。在加国出生的目前在大学就读的Kevin Jia在此评论文章中表述了与加国家长类似的担忧,并且揭示了一个让人震惊的现象,即在中国政府的审查制度下,中国青年失去判断能力而盲目地支持一个在25年前向其公民开枪的政府。

The subtle influence of the Chinese government over Canadian childrenhas caused great concerns amongst Canadian parents as the Confucius Institute – which trains teachers to self-censor political tabooed contents -- has found its way intoTDSB classrooms. In his op-ed piece that shares similar concerns with Canadian parents, Kevin Jia, a university student born in Canada, makes a shocking revelation that Chinese government censorship has left Chinese youths to be brainwashed into supporting a government that opened fire on its own people a quarter century ago.


When I first heard that the TDSB would be introducing the Confucius institute into Toronto schools 1 month ago, I thought nothing of the new initiative. If the Chinese government wants to improve its image by offering Chinese courses for Canadian students, what could the harm be? However, from conversations with my cousins and my girlfriend growing up in China, I had an epiphany—we cannot allow state run organizations to dictate Canadian educational content.


                I’ve seen Confucius Institute advertisements all over the internet-- they boast fancy images and colorful graphics displaying Chinese courses at local universities. The Chinese Communist Party has done a wonderful job of branding the institute as a legitimate education provider. They were doing such a good job of marketing that they even duped me into believing the institute was Canadian run!With Chinese becoming an increasingly important language to learn, the Confucius Initiative led by the TDSB was a logical move—or so I thought.

大多数加拿大华人都知道,6.4事件的25周年纪念日刚刚刚过去。今年我以记者的身份参加了多伦多的烛光守夜活动。当天多伦多大学Hart House的体育场上摆放着祭奠逝者的鲜花和令人触目惊心的相片,严肃地向人们再现了遭中国政府残酷镇压的这场血腥中国运动的真相。

                As most Chinese-Canadians know, the 25th anniversary of the June 4th incident recently passed. I was in attendance of the candle-light vigil in Toronto this year as a reporter. Bouquets of flowers for lost ones and chilling photographs staked into the ground line the field of U of T’s Hart House-- it was a stern reminder of the horrors that Chinese student activists and workers faced after a brutal government crackdown.


                I had first learned about June 4th when I was in junior high school after my teachers vaguely introduced the topic. Over the years, I’ve become well read on the issue. My friends and I are politically active and I remember having frequent discussions on the political problems of China with my classmates—June 4th has always been a heavily debated topiceven for Caucasian students.


但是我的一名在中国长大,目前在加拿大读书的表弟却和关心政治的加拿大年轻人截然不同。虽然他们也非常了解6.4 事件,但有明确证据表明他们已经被中国政府洗脑。他们截然捍卫政府行动,称学生示威是错误的行为。此外,我表弟总是哀叹他们需要独裁政府“对他们进行控制”,这实在让我难以置信。

But my cousins who grew up in China and now study in Canada are a far-cry from the politically aware youth in Canada. While they are surprisingly knowledgeable regarding the June 4thincident,there is clear evidence that they’ve been brainwashed. They’re quick to defend the government, claimingthat it was wrong for the students to demonstrate. In addition, my cousins are always lamenting they need a dictatorship to ‘control them’—which was just unfathomable to me.


What completely caught me off-guard was that my girlfriend, who was educated in China and then moved to Canada, was completely unaware of June 4th. The first time I brought it up, she blankly remarked, “What’s that?”I thought she was kidding. This is not a testament that I’m naïve;Chinese government censorship has been a familiar concept to me, but I hadn’t realized the CCP had done such an immaculate job of pruning information.


However, while my girlfriend’s political ignorance and my cousin’sbrainwashed attitudes may be interpreted as isolated cases, brainwashing and censorship of information for students is a widespread phenomenon in China according to the Globe.The fact is thatthere are a few students who maintain pro-government stances on June 4th, citing the demonstrators were counter-revolutionists and thugs—whereas the rest are unaware of the atrocities committed by the Chinese government altogether.


Yet the Globe report does not surprise me. The Chinese government has long tried to censor political information they ‘disagree’ with, and its ability to cover-up June 4th is prime evidence to China’s uncanny ability to censor information. Moreover,China’s active educational censorship has already flexed its muscles abroad and has extended its active censorship to Canada. Specifically, the Confucius institute has already displayed censorship, where one professor was told to hide their belief in Falun Gong.



It is strikingly obvious that the Chinese government should have no say in the academic affairs of Canadian students. I am a proponent for teaching Mandarin and if the Chinese government wishes to sponsor these programs, then so be it. However, the CCP has no right and jurisdiction to dictate the curriculum of Canadian education. If the institute is allowed to flourish in Canada and encroach upon the minds of Canadian students, I might have joined my cousins and their peers – to be proud of what their government did to citizens on June 4th 1989and trying to destroy the memories of that fateful day at Tiananmen Square a quarter century later.










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