

Chinese immigrants face array of parenting challenges in Canada
来源: 《大中报》记者:Catherine Machado

The way we approach parenting changes with the times. The modern day parent faces an array of challenges that would seem foreign to a parent in the 20th century.


“Parenting is changing because everything else is,” said Kyla Austin, a practicing doula who’s anticipating her third child come July.


A doula is a nonmedical person who assists families before, during and possibility even after birth through emotional support, physical assistance and words of wisdom.



Blogger Emma Wavermanfrom Today’s Parents said that modern day parents confront social media, hook-up culture, rape culture, binge drinking, hyper-competitive extra-curricular sports and children facing an increased level of stress.



“The modern day parent is striving for perfection in all areas,” said Waverman.



Waverman said that parents nowadays feel pressured to provide their children with a perfect childhood – an issue she doesn’t think past generations felt subjected to.



Waverman said that when it comes to parenting in Canada in 2015 a lot of parents are raising their children whilst being in an almost constant state of worry.



“We identify with our kids maybe a little too much,” said Waverman. She said that parents turn their children’s successes and failures into their own.



“There is a lot of pressure on parents to provide a perfect childhood because they are fearful if they don’t then their kids are going to fail out of school or they’re going to be obese or they’re going to be diabetic – that they’re going to be a failure in some way,” she said.



Su Yin Jordan is a doula who was raised in Malaysia then moved to England. She began to raise her two children there for roughly a decade until moving to Trinidad for 10 months.



She has been living in Canada for the past four years.



“If I was still in England my challenges (as a parent) would be different,” said Jordan.


奥斯汀回忆称,在她过去三年的导乐生涯中,曾有两名客户 竭力探寻加拿大的育儿文化标准。

In the three years that Austin has been a doula she recalls two clients who sought out insight on the cultural norms of parenthood in Canada.



In other words, how to be the perfect parent according to Canada.



“It’s just wanting to belong,” said Jordan.



She spoke of young, pregnant couples who come to Canada from China; these are the bulk of Jordan’s clients.



Jordan said that there is a big business for Chinese doulas in Canada.


She said that clients sometimes seek her services because they don’t have the physical support of their family members, due to denied visas or other unforeseen hiccups.


“When you move somewhere else you want to be accepted and you want to feel like you belong so then you want to do everything like the country you are going to,” said Jordan.



“You’ve gone to be an immigrant somewhere else because you feel that will be a better life for you and for your children.”



But Jordan feels that the majority of her Chinese clients do not seek to conform to Canadian ways of parenting. From her experience, the parents she has met from mainland China keep to traditions from the East.



Jordan said that she has had clients who refer to websites that reference their image of the right way to parent, often pointing to pictures and translations, as Jordan doesn’t speak or write in Chinese.



She does note discrepancies between being a parent, let alone a “perfect” parent, in various cultures, but she does not feel that one idea of parenting is something that should be blanketed over a country.



Austin recalled a client of hers who had just moved to Canada from China. The client anxiously asked her, “How do you do it (parenting) here?” .



Austin said she told the family that they should raise their child based on what felt right for them individually – whether that was rooted in traditions abroad, being inspired by a new culture – or both.



“They werebecause they just came here and they were so grateful to be able to come to Canada that they wanted to sort of fit in and start a new life. They came here for various reasons, to escape some stuff that was going on in China but they also want to integrate easily,” said Austin.



“When people come to a different country they want to know what’s in here and how I am going to fit in.”



It seems the “perfect” parent is not as much a personal goal as it is a reaction to societal pressure.



“Everyone is trying toget to this one placeand you’re just going to drive yourself crazy trying to reach it. You’re just going to exhaust yourself trying to be perfect all the time when you just can’t be,” said Austin.



All three mothers saw that parenting is changing and is going to keep changing with the times,and in some families, with a new country.



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