

来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

Safety of GMOs


When Ann does her grocery shopping every week, she would look for organic food from shelves. 


“I actually don’t know scientifically whether genetically modified organisms (GMO) are safe or not, but I heard from friends and the internet saying they are unsafe,” says Ann. “So I am thinking, why not buy the organic ones, for the simple reason of having a peace of mind?”

Safety of GMOs


Genetic modification of food involves the transfer of one or more genes to a plant or animal through biotechnology to acquire certain traits such as pest resistance. The foods containing GM ingredients are mostly corns, soybeans and sugar beets. According to experts, most processed foods in the United States and Canada contain an ingredient from a GM crop.

食用转基因食品对消费者来说是否安全?加拿大卫生部(Health Canada)对转基因食品的官方立场是,这些食品具有安全性。根据加拿大卫生部的网站介绍,每一转基因食品在进入市场前都会得到充分的安全检测。所有货架上的转基因食品已经全部经过测试并顺利通过检验。

Are GMO foods safe for consumption?  Health Canada's official stance on GM foods is that they are safe for consumption. According to Health Canada website, it has conducted a thorough safety testing of each GMO food before it enters the markets. All the GMOs on the shelves have been tested and approved.


The testing process is detailed and thorough, according to information from the regulatory agency, which starts from the growing of products to analyzing their composition, as well as detecting any possible toxic ingredients during the process.


The testing process follows the experts’ advices and guidelines provided by World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), according to the agency’s website information.


GMOs:  Not a great concern among Canadians and Americans


Ann is not the only one from the Chinese community who shows concerns about the safety of the GMO foods. As a slew of food scandals in China are exposed, it would send Chinese consumers on high alert whenever a new type of food appears on the market. As the fake food products continue to wreck havoc on the daily lives of consumers, many of them have limited trust on the food safety, believing that only the foods that are grown from their own backyard are safe.


Apparently, GMOs that have gone through the process of “modifications” seem to have compromised the products’ safety to these consumers.  As a result, the rumours about GMO’s potential damages to human health, including the possibility of causing cancer are flooded on the internet, sparking fears and worries among Chinese consumers. 


But GMOs are not causing the same level of concerns to North American consumers. According to a national survey conducted in Nov. 2013, unlike Chinese consumers, most Americans pay little attention to the debate over GMOs.

由罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)发布的此次调查显示,超过一半(53%)的被调查人群称他们很少或者根本没有了解过转基因食品,其中四分之一( 25%)的人说他们从来都没有听说过转基因食品。即使在媒体关注转基因食品需要标识的法规之时,罗格斯大学的研究发现只有约四分之一的美国人认识到现行的法规并不要求对转基因产品进行标识。

The survey, released by researchers at Rutgers University, found that more than half (53 percent) say they know very little or nothing at all about GM foods, and one in four (25 percent) say they have never heard of them. Even with the media attention over the regulatory requirement of labeling of GM foods, the Rutgers study found that only about a quarter of Americans realizes that current regulations do not require GM products to be labeled.


According to the survey, same portions of respondents believe that the labeling information on whether the products contain GM ingredients share a similar level of importance as information about whether the product was grown using hormones, pesticides, or antibiotics, or whether it was grown or raised in the United States and contains allergens.


Canadians show a similar attitude towards GOMs. According to CBC report, for the average Canadian consumer, the issue of bioengineered foods barely registers. Studies from the mid- to late-2000s suggested that a majority of people in Canada have no strong views on the matter.

Public myths:availability of GE foods


What GM foods appear on the grocery shelves in US and Canada? Many consumers mistakenly believe that every single type of food products has its GM counterparts in the supermarkets.

罗格斯大学的调查显示,即使那些表示了解美国超市有转基因食品销售的人们也不清楚存在哪种转基因食品。虽然四分之三的消费者能正确了解到转基因玉米有销售,但一半以上错误的认为转基因西红柿,小麦和鸡肉也有销售。超过40 %的消费者误以为有转基因苹果和大米在市场上销售,以及超过三分之一的消费者相信转基因三文鱼和转基因橘子可在超市中买到。

According to Rutgers’s survey, even those who say they are aware of the presence of GM foods in American stores are unclear about which foods are available. While three quarters correctly recognized that GM corn products are on store shelves, more than half mistakenly believed that GM tomatoes, wheat and chicken products are in supermarkets. More than 40 percent believe incorrectly that GM apples and rice are on the market, and more than a third believe that GM salmon and GM oranges are currently on offer.


It is unsurprising that the myths exist among Canadian consumers as well. “It’s just a matter of money,” says Ann. “If you don’t have money, you have no choice but buy the GMOs, from tomatoes and eggs to fruits and salmons. But if you have more disposable money on hand, why not buy their organic version instead.” 


In fact, although Ottawa has approved dozens of GM crops, most are not actually grown or sold in Canada, except for corn, canola, soybeans and the sugar beets used to produce white sugar. Processed and packaged foods that contain those products are likely affected, along with meats from animals that are often fed GM crops.


Canada could also be importing a small amount of GM papaya, squash, cottonseed oil and milk products made with the use of Bovine Growth Hormone.




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