

来源: 大中报特约 Kevin Jia
OSC find Evqueni Todorov and partners guilty of fraud

对于许多遭遇金融欺诈的华裔受害者来说,Evgueni Todorov是一个耳熟能详的名字, 而如今,他终于将要受到金融管理机构的制裁。Todorov假冒资深外汇交易者,设法从数名客户手中骗取了上百万元投资。安省证监会6月27日裁定,Todorov及其RARE Investments的合伙人诈骗客户逾$120万元的指控成立。

EvgueniTodorov—a name far too familiar for many Chinese victims of financial schemes—will finally have the boom lowered upon him. By posing as a sophisticated Forex trader, Todorov managed to defraud several clients of up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. In a June 27th OSC ruling, investigators found Todorov and his partners of RARE Investments guilty of defrauding clients of over $1.2 million for their own personal gains.

The Scheme

Todorov的骗局始于2009年1月,当时他和他的合伙人成立了一家专门从事外汇交易的金融顾问公司 RARE Investments。他们利用每月能带来1-2%利息回报,每年回报率高达惊人的24%的承兑票据引客户上钩。该公司还声称,一半的客户资金将投资安全的定期存款中,因此投资安全,颇具保障。通过吹嘘自己的成功史和假冒资深的外汇投资策略家,RARE公司成功吸引了16名投资者。

Todorov’s scheme started on January 2009, when he and his partners incorporated a financial consulting company specializing in Forex, RARE Investments. They solicited to investors using promissory notes that offered interest payments of 1-2% per month—annualized at an astounding 24% per year. The company further claimed that half of a client’s money would be invested in secure GIC’s, thereby creating a systemic safety net. By boasting they had a history of previous successes and passing themselves off as sophisticated Forex investment strategists, the company managed to attract 16 investors.


In fact, the promised returns never fully materialized and the ‘safety net’ system was a ploy—only a quarter of the funds were ever invested into GIC’s. As for the ‘previous successes’, the company was newly founded and had yet to generate a penny from trading. Todorov, an engineer by trade, had no formal experience in Forex trading—none of the partners had ever worked in a formal institution and had little Forex understanding. RARE Investments itself was never registered with OSC.


But all of these red flags were unbeknownst to Todorov’s prey and investors salivated over the potential gains, and as a result, investments flooded into the company.As investors jumped on the train, more than $1.2 million was invested with RARE by mid-2009.


Perhaps most surprisingly, the partners did manage to make interest payments for a while.But the scheme began to unravel quickly when Todorov and their partners tried to speculate on the Forex market. In either pure naivety or over-confidence, Todorov and his partners began undertaking aggressive Forex investments, believing that they could generate a profit. To shed light, Forex, or foreign exchange trading, is an immensely volatile market that requires a sophisticated understanding of international currency movements. Even the best strategists and largest financial institutions struggle to maintain consistent returns.

Callous Disregard


By the end of 2009, almost $1 million were invested into volatile Forex accounts. Soon after the financial crisis, the accounts faltered. In particular, one trade by Todorov resulted in a whopping loss of over $470,000. In fact, none of the trades conducted by the partners ever resulted in a profit—by 2010 they had collectively lost $688,757 of investor money.


By March 2010, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. Interest payments had stopped and investor’s began growing anxious. Time for one last ditch effort, Todorov’s partners met with investors to renegotiate principal and interest repayments to prolong the scheme, reassuring investors that their money was safe. Although the company was on the verge of bankruptcy, they never informed investors of the dire company situation.


Even though the company itself never made a penny, Todorov and his partners continued to quietly pocket company funds. Todorov, who was likely to be in personal debt at the time, used $11,000 of investor funds to pay-off a previous commitment. His other partners managed to swindle nearly $200,000--with one partner pocketing nearly $180,000 alone --into their own wallets.

OSC Gets Involved


Finally, by late 2010, the jig was up. With several interest payments missed and unrepaid principals, investors complained to the Ontario Securities Commission.  The security watch dog launched an investigation in 2011, and alleged that Todorov and his partners defrauded clients of $1.15 million.


But Todorov was fervent in his own defense. He maintains that he was never a director of the company, and that he had never solicited to investors. Furthermore, Todorov also claims that he attempted to salvage the company by pumping more than $50,000 of his own money into RARE.


However, the OSC found that Todorov was a signatory on several accounts and on several occasions, he marketed himself as RARE’s ‘Chief Trading Strategist’. They also found that Todorov had managed to solicit 3 investors to the tune of $375,000. In particular, one investor was scammed $200,000. Unexpectedly, the investigation discovered that Todorov indeed pumped personal funds to salvage the company; however OSC ultimately concluded that Todorov joined RARE for the sole purpose of embezzling funds for his own gain.


In absolute desperation, Todorov attempted to argue technicalities with OSC. He alluded that the promissory notes were written as ‘loans’ and he was therefore not involved in trading or investing ‘securities’ per se. The OSC rejected his arguments and overruled his own testimonials. Investigators found Todorov guilty of the severest financial crime—fraud.


Although Todorov is expected to receive a harsh financial penalty from OSC,the $1.2 million that he and his fraudulent partners swindled is likely gone forever. It’s a harrowing nightmare for the investorswho were cheated out of their hard-earned dollars. But there is a silver lining. Todorov’s scheme is a grueling lesson—when something sounds too good to be true, it’s because it is.



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