
致 《大中报》读者: 写在2014年终之际

To our dear readers: Chinese News year-end-review

                             《大中报》主编:南茜   Nancy Jin


As 2014 comes to an end, Chinese News will soon close another chapter of its 22 year history. In 2014, Chinese News has faced many challenges as the print media is experiencing reduced revenues and limited resources. But among a flood of media outlets in the Chinese community– big or small, daily or weekly—Chinese News has kept a unique position in serving community readers. It is striving to follow the highest media standard –accuracy, fairness and balance-- as it addresses the issues that matter the most to the community.


Issues concerning China


Chinese News has also maintained its mandate as an independent voice for readers. It does not bend towards any political power, and is free from the influence of any government. In addressing issues of China, it has covered both the positive and the negative aspects of the country – from its vast economic achievements and rising global position to its widespread corruption and the undemocratic efforts to strengthen the government’s authority.


In 2012, the NY Time’s broke a report that shockingly revealed the family of former Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao, had accumulated a massive wealth -- as much as $2 billion. Since then, the Time’s journalists have been blacklisted by the Chinese government and its website has been blocked. The paper was also facing a lawsuit by Wen’s family.


As a result, the issue has been politically censored and swept under a rug by the Chinese government. Staggeringly, the censorship has even reached Chinese media in foreign countries. Most Chinese media overseas did not want to touch the topic. Chinese News was among the few that decided to break the story.

《大中报》报道不仅限于其报纸,且此话题还在本报最近推出的脱口秀” (www.096.ca)中进行讨论。“问”的两位主持人夏河和贾宁扬,都拥有丰富的电视采访和视频脱口秀节目经验。

The topic has not only been printed as an article in Chinese News, but also addressed in its recently launched talk show, “Let’s Ask Away!” (www.096.ca). The talk show is hosted by Xia He and Ningyang Jia, both of whom have extensive media experience on TV interviews and video talk shows. 


The talk show covers issues that matter and bewilder us. It sheds light on the different political systems of the East and the West, and stands out as an independent voice of freedom.


Community reporting

2014年,华裔社区表现出强烈的政治热情,参加政治选举的华裔候选人数量创下历史新高。但无论是参选自由党国会议员还是参与万锦市政,参选活动显示出一种令人不安的趋势,那就是竞选活动过分局限于族裔社区,因而难以赢得非族裔选民的民心。《大中报》就此发表了一系列报道,尤其是Bob Mok的专栏文章《华裔参选者须走出族裔社区》http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/24033对症下药,以期帮助未来的候选人提升竞选技能,并问鼎加国政坛高位。

In 2014, the Chinese community revealed a strong passion for politics as a record number of Chinese Canadians ran for political office. However, it has also revealed a troubling trend that candidates – from running for Liberal MP to Markham municipal office – restricted their campaign efforts within the community and failed to reach out to voters who do not vote along the heritage line. Several reports from Chinese News – particularly Bob Kwok’s column: What does it take for heritage candidates to win an election? 华裔参选者须走出族裔社区http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/24033 has addressed the problems, trying to help future candidates boost their election skills and become high achievers in Canadian politics.

《大中报》的特别报道专栏也在持续帮助消费者维权,为读者排忧解惑。本报的特别报道多伦多快闪忽悠了世界》 (http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/23773)揭示了在网络上疯传的“多伦多华人庆祝中国国庆”快闪的幕后真相。据该报道,此次快闪是经过多次专人指导排练的媒体宣传活动,而并非一展现市民自然爆发的对中国政府热爱之情的快闪活动。

Chinese News’ special report column has continued to advocate for consumers and voiced readers’ concerns. One of the special reports--”Has “Chinese Heart” flash mob show
fooled the world?
多伦多快闪忽悠了世界 (http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/23773) has revealed what behind the scene of the widely circulated mob flash “Torontonians celebrate Chinese National Holiday”. According to the article, the show was allegedly heavily rehearsed media propaganda, rather than an instant public gathering to show a sincere love for the Chinese government.




Chinese News’ well-known columnists have also continued to carry a unique commentary column that provides in-depth analysis on a variety of topics relevant to the community – from politics and economy to social and the government.



Our Wish


As Chinese News strives to continue, and improve upon our quality content despite the turbulence in the print industry, we want to thank our dear readers for their continued support. From the entire editorial board and all the journalists at Chinese News, we thank you for a fantastic 2014, and may you have a happy holiday. 




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