
大选专栏(五) :席位分布及政党优势

Election 2015: election basics
来源: Bob Mok
在大选即将来临之际,Bob Mok的专栏文章将继续向读者介绍席位分布及主要政党优劣势等基本知识。

Bob Mok’s column covers the basic knowledge of the upcoming election: from seat distribution across the country to the strength and weakness of the major parties.


The 42ndFederal Election is coming on Oct 19, 2015 (Monday). Canadians will be going to the polls to choose a Political Party that will govern this country over the next 4 years. This current eleven week election campaign is the longest in modern Canadian history.

我此前发表的两篇有关加国政治系统的文章http://096.ca/news/409971 和 http://096.ca/news/470368已经详细论述了联邦政府的架构及职能。参照这两篇文章可能有利于读者加深对选举基本知识的了解。

My earlier articles on the Canadian political system http://096.ca/news/409971 and http://096.ca/news/470368elaborated on the Federal Government structures and responsibilities. It may be beneficial for readers to refer to them to get a better understanding.


The number of electoral districts was increased to 338, with additional seats based on population assigned to Alberta (6), British Columbia (6), Ontario (15), and Quebec (3). The 42nd Federal Election seats will have the following distributions:

Ontario: 15 more seats (121 seats in total)

British Columbia: 6 more seats (42 seats in total)

Alberta: 6 more seats (34 seats in total)

Quebec: 3 more seats (78 seats in total)


all other provinces and territories: no change in number of seats (Manitoba 14 seats, New Brunswick 10 seats, Newfoundland and Labrador 7 seats, Nova Scotia 11 seats, PEI 4 seats, Saskatchewan 14 seats and 1 seat each for the three territories - Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon.)


We must look at the recent strengths of each political party in each Province and Territories if we are to “predict” the outcome of the upcoming election. The Polls taken by different polling companies (sometimes not totally independent) may serve to provide some early indications of voting trends. However, the statistics are always difficult for the average citizen to read and interpret. Margins of errors can differ from one Poll to the next. Polls can fluctuate due to developing new stories. The only accurate poll is the one on voting day done by Elections Canada and dictated by the voters in their voting booths. Peaking too early can be bad for political parties especially when the numbers are very close in a popularity contest.


Traditionally we have 3 major (main-stream) parties in Canada – Conservative, Liberal, and New Democratic Party. These are parties that hold substantial influence in Canadian Politics consistently and not to be confused with a “majority” party that hold the most seats in the Parliament at any given election. In Canada, “Official Party” status is now recognized only when a minimum of 12 members are elected to Parliament. An official Party will receive more parliamentary privileges and funding than other parties.


Elections Canada is the organization in charge of the administration of Federal Elections and they identified 20 registered political parties. Other than the three parties above, some of the more familiar names to us are the Bloc Quebecois and Green Party. Both of them had elected members to the Parliament.


The parties that never have elected members are known as “Fringe Parties”. The following are the name of some of these parties. Some of the names can be very entertaining as they do not reflect a seriousness of the Party to appeal to the entire population but rather relate to issues only interested and supported by specific groups.

例如犀牛党、大麻党、加拿大桥党 以及加拿大海盗党。

For example: The Rhinoceros Party, the Marijuana Party, the Bridge Party of Canada, and the Pirate Party of Canada.


Next time, we will look at the traditional distribution of votes in each Province and Territories from coast to coast..



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