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Community seeks answers as Yonge Street Mission moves to Chinatown
来源: Bob Mok
Despite the protests from the Chinese community, Yong Street Mission has decided to move to Chinatown.  As the relocation has become a done deal, many burning questions are begging for answers.

For an earlier article on this topic, please visit http://096.ca/news/628140 and http://096.ca/news/630072


Ward#20 Councillor Joe Cressy clearly stated that YSM’s relocation is a “Done deal” and requested Chinatown Community members to enter the next phase of the YSM project to assist in accommodating the facility. YSM will be operational on Spadina Ave by the fall of 2017.


Many questions raised by the Community members were either not answered at all during the first public “Consultation” meeting or replied with digressive statements. I have since interviewed a number of people within the Community and now list out their questions below:


1) Statistics are not provided on the number of clients that will be moving over from their current Yonge Street location and the number of new clients expected. If services are so badly needed here, why did YSM not move into Chinatown all these years?


2)  During the Consultation Meeting on Jan 12, City Staff Chris Brillinger made a statement that “The City wants to move Street Youth away from the Downtown (YSM) Yonge Street Area”. Can someone explain the rationale behind this and is that why the City is supporting YSM’s relocation to Chinatown?


3)  YSM also stated that they have 24,000 square feet of space in the new location and have not determined how they will utilize that space. Their plans may include letting other service organizations to deploy in that building space to provide other programs. Will those additional services and programs be consulted with the community before they are implemented? If so, what would that mechanism be? If not, why not?


 4)  YSM’s new location will be operation by fall of 2017 as announced. When will the current Yonge Street Location be shut down? If there is a gap of period between the two events, what will happen to the regular Yonge Street clients?

5)   A Toronto Star article once reported that some “street youths” are using drop-in Centres as their venue for locating and recruiting new members for street gang, sex workers, and drug dealers. Unless “Appointments only” arrangements are made, these centres are becoming crime breeding grounds. Does YSM have a mandatory registration system for services by appointments only? If not, how can the Community members keep the undesirable characters out of the area?


6)  The new YSM location will be ready by fall 2017.  Due to the size of the building, and significant increase in number of the serviced clients, will there be any security guards on site? If not, are there procedures to determine when to seek help from the Toronto Police force?


7)  It was explained by YSM and others before that “street youths” come from all walks of life.  They leave their homes; many of them voluntarily do so and use the YSM services.  YSM is creating more dependent street youths as they become more comfortable with their services. Are there any systems in YSM to detect and to wean these kids from their system and break the chain of dependence?


While it is legal for YSM to relocate and operate within the Toronto Chinatown Community, it must carry out a meaningful dialogue with the Community. It must be open about its plans and intentions. It must allay the fears and uncertainty currently fermenting within Chinatown.



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