

Jim Kwan, if elected, will be first Chinese executive in provincial politics
来源: Bob Mok
曾经成功阻止万锦市体育馆项目的地方政治监察组织的现任主任关荣恩将于今年3月参选安省保守党秘书职位。Bob Mok撰文指出,如果关荣恩当选,其将成为首位出任安省主要政党高管的华裔。
Jim Kwan, the current director of the local political watchdog that successfully stopped the Markham arena project will be running for the party secretary position for the Provincial Conservative Party in Mar.  As Bob Mok writes, if elected, Kwan will be the first Chinese to occupy an executive position in a major party in Ontario provincial politics.

去年,Patrick Brown在安省保守党党领竞选中击败Christine Elliot,接任安省议会大厦(安省省议会)反对党领袖。

Last year, Patrick Brown won the Provincial Conservative Party race against Christine Elliot and took over as opposition party leader in Queen’s Park (The Provincial Parliament of Ontario). 

今年,安省保守党将于3月4日至6日在渥太华的Shaw Centre举行2016年党员大会暨高管选举。届时安省保守党党员将会选出新高管,就宪法修正案进行讨论和表决,并参加重要的培训课程。

This year, the Party will be holding its 2016 General Meeting and Election of Officers at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa on March 4 – 6, 2016. The provincial Party members will elect their new Executive, discuss and vote on constitutional amendments and take part in important training sessions.


By selecting and organizing the new Executive team now, the party will have time to unite the team members, set objectives and goals, and prepare for the upcoming provincial election in the Spring of 2018.


The available positions for Party Executive will include: Party President, 1st to 9th Vice Presidents, ten (10) Regional Vice Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer. The PC Ontario Fund Board consisting of ten Directors will also be contested.


Over the last few months, delegates are selected by party members in good standing at Delegate Selection Meetings (DSM) held throughout the riding associations. The delegates will go to the General Meeting in Ottawa and vote for the candidates of their choices. Candidates or their representative also showed up at these DSM’s and present their platforms and qualifications to the attendees and potential delegates to garner their support.


For the first time in memory, and certainly in this election, a Chinese Candidate (Jim Kwan) will be running for an Executive position (Party Secretary). If Jim is elected, this may well be a breakthrough (first time) for a Chinese to occupy an executive position in a major party in Ontario provincial politics.


Jim proposes to form a new High School Association to recruit youth volunteers as young as 14 years old and utilize their 40 volunteer hours before graduation. In other words, it will start building an ARMY of volunteers for the Party.

关荣恩是约克区志愿者协会(YRVA)的创建者。他曾在一年内招募了250名青年党员,并帮助Patrick Brown赢得提名和成功通过补选晋身安省议会。在上次联邦大选中,YRVA协同Zack Goldford(安省保守党青年协会现任主席)平均每周无私贡献了近500小时义务工时。

Jim is founder of the York Region Volunteer Association (YRVA).He recruited 250 youth members within one year and helped in Patrick Brown’s nomination and successful by-election to the Provincial Parliament. The YRVA contributed around 500 volunteer hours per week on average in conjunction with Zack Goldford (current President, Ontario PC Youth Association) during the last federal election.

身为专栏作家的关荣恩曾参加2014年万锦市选,目前担任地方政治监察组织——万民问责市府大联盟 (MCCRG)主任。

Jim was a Markham municipal election ward candidate in 2014, a columnist, and a current Director of the local political watchdog – Markham Citizens Coalition for Responsive Government (MCCRG).  


I know Jim for over 3 years and worked with him on the campaign to stop the high risk Arena Proposal in Markham. Our team eventually succeeded against all odds. Unlike candidates of some other ethnic origin, Jim has an excellent command of the English language and is very comfortable in dealing with all citizens – not just Chinese.


Jim is not a “Heritage Candidate” and should prevail based entirely on his merits, enthusiasm, and personal strength.  



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