

Michael Chan could have avoided controversy if Wang Yi had not over-reacted
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

Wang Yi’s angry reaction to a Canadian reporter’s question on China’s human rights record has sparked commentaries from all quarters and prompted the defence from diplomats and politicians including Chinese ambassador Luo Zhaohui and Ontario Minister Michael Chan.


In an opinion piece published on the Globe’s website, the Chinese envoy urges Canadians not to be blinded by their differences with his country over human rights and warns that airing human rights issue will threaten the golden era that the countries are seeking.


Luo argues that it is natural that Canada and China may have different views on human rights, given the differences between the two countries in history, culture and political system.


Ontario Minister Michael Chan also came to the defence of China’s human rights record. He also published an opinion piece in the Chinese media, in which he argued that China’s human rights issue is broader, and should be viewed in connection with the enrichment of Chinese people’s welfare. 


Chan’s article has put China’s four decades of changes into perspective, reflecting on the great progress that China has made – from its economic growth to the betterment in every aspect of Chinese people’s lives.  

但是,陈国治的这一反响文章本身又引起一轮舆论争议。《环球邮报》发表了题为“安省部长为中国人权辩护”一文,对陈国治在王毅所引发论战中所持的立场提出质疑。保守党国会议员、前加国移民部长Jason Kenny在接受《环球邮报》采访时称,陈给他的印象是“有时候会把自己看做是非官方的中国大使。”

But Chan’s reaction piece has sparked a wave of debates on its own. The Globe and Mail published an article “Ontario Minister defends China’s human rights record”, challenging the minister’s position in Wang’s controversy. The article quoted Jason Kenny, Conservative MP and the former cabinet minister as saying that he got the impression that “Chan sometimes regards himself as an unofficial ambassador for the PRC.”


Jack Jia, the publisher of Chinese News also weighed in in the article, saying that Chan’s piece ignored the Canadian value, and did not look at what price China has paid for the achievements.


Points in Luo and Chan’s opinion piece could have been made easily by Mr. Wang during the press conference, if he had calmed down and answered the Canadian reporter’s question rationally. Maintaining self-control and staying calm and rational under pressure are key qualities that a foreign minister must have when it represents his country on the global stage. Had Wang made the right choice, it would have avoided China’s human rights record from being put under increased scrutiny, and would have prevented a maelstrom of defensive statements from Chinese “ambassadors”, both foreign and domestic alike.  



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