


Under the pressure at home to send an unflinching message against China’s intensifying clampdown on dissent and Western values, PM Trudeau, choosing his words carefully, called out China for its oppressive Internet censorship, and encouraged China to do more to promote and protect human rights. 

在中国进一步干预言论自由的状况下, 国外领导人和外交使节为其本国经济利益三缄其口,尽量避免会激怒中国的言论。但本周三,加拿大驻中国大使Guy Saint-Jacques发表了罕见批评中国人权的言论。“在近三年内我们所看到的是,中国呈现大倒退,” 意指习近平的打压政策。

As China increasingly flexes its censorship muscles, comments that might anger China have been largely avoided by foreign leaders and dignitaries, who see more to gain economically by keeping silence. But on Wednesday, Canada’s ambassador to China, Guy Saint-Jacques, made a blunt but rare statement by criticizing China’s human rights.  “In the last three years we have seen, I think, things going backward,” he said,referencing to the crackdown under Mr. Xi.



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