
《环邮》调查: Wealth One主要投资人提供误导性网站简历

联邦政府于今年7月批准了旨在为加国华裔人士提供储蓄业务的Wealth One Bank接受储蓄存款。但据《环球邮报》报道,该银行的主要投资人与数项争议有染。据报道,该银行的主要投资人和董事歐陽元森在该银行网站的个人简历介绍中提供误导性信息,称他曾为中国全国人大委员。但当接受《环邮》采访时,该银行承认其网站信息有误,其公司董事称欧阳的助手“乱来”,过分渲染了他的成就以令他经历更为显著。欧阳还曾与其超市连锁点的一名小股东发生法律纠纷。这些争议引起对公众对加国联邦政府的银行批准程序的严肃质疑,以及对政府未能尽责保护银行消费者利益的担忧。
Wealth One Bank, which aimed at Chinese Canadians, was given the green light by the federal government to accept deposits in Canada in July. However, the Globe article reveals the controversies involving its key investors. According to the Globe report, Yuansheng Ou Yang a director and key investor of the bank, misrepresented his biography on the Wealth One website, claiming he had served as a member of China’s National People’s Congress. But when interviewed by the Globe, the bank acknowledged the website information was incorrect, with its corporate director saying that Mr. Ou Yang’s assistant “screwed up” and inflated her boss’s achievements to “make him sound more impressive.” Mr. Ou Yang was also involved in a civil lawsuit with a minority shareholder in his grocery business. These controversies have put the federal government’s bank-approval process under public scrutiny, raising serious concerns that the government lacks due diligence to protect bank consumers’ interest.



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