
美国务卿人选蒂勒森: 将阻止中国南海造岛

China should be barred from South China Sea Island
在川普打破数十年的外交惯例与台湾电话接触之后,即将成为川普任内国务卿的德雷克斯•W•蒂勒森呼吁,阻止中国 进入南海人工岛屿,并称中国数十亿填海造岛运动是非法行为。中国一直视南海造岛运动为其成为世界超级军事强国之重要手段,而蒂勒森的这番暗示美国有可能使用武力阻止中国进出南海渚岛的言论,不禁引起中国之强烈反响。蒂勒森的言论也显示出川普上台后将对中国实施更加强硬的手段之姿态,并给国际上最重要的双边关系造成压力。
In the wake of Trump’s phone call to Taiwan that broke decades of US diplomatic practice, Rex W. Tillerson Trump’s choice for secretary of state, calls for China to be denied access to the artificial islands in South China Sea, saying China’s multibillion-dollar island building campaign was illegal. Tillerson’s comments, with implication that US may use armed forces to deny China’s access to the islands, has sparked strong reactions from China that sees the campaign as crucial part of efforts to become a global military superpower. The statements also signal Trump administration’s much tougher stance on China, putting further strains on one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world.



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