

Dozens dead and around 400 wounded in the worst chemical attacks in Syria

双眼通红,口吐白沫,呼吸艰难的成人和孩子们在生命线上挣扎,有些人已一动不动地躺在地上,而另外一些在痉挛抽搐。这些网络广泛流传的让人惊悚的照片,向世人展现了叙利亚汉谢洪镇(Khan Sheikhoun)的民众遭到毒气袭击后的悲惨现状。这场袭击让这一被叙利亚北方叛军控制地区顷刻间成为毒气杀人地带,是近年来发生在叙利亚最严重的毒气爆炸惨案之一,造成包括儿童在内的数十人死亡,400人受伤。
Bodies of adults and children, showing redness of the eyes and foaming from the mouth, were struggling to breath, with some lying motionlessly on the ground while others convulsing. The deeply disturbing images widely distributed on the internet have revealed the tragic aftermath of the gas attack in Khan Sheikhoun that turned a northern rebel held area into a toxic kill zone. The attack is deemed one of the worst chemical bombings in years in Syria that left dozens of people – including children dead and around 400 others wounded. 



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