

Asian man dragged from United flight has brought in lawyers to fight the airline
美联航遭暴力拖拽乘客的律师Thomas Demetrio表示,这名乘客在此惨痛经历中身体受伤,他的鼻梁骨折,两颗门牙脱落和并患脑震荡。Demetrio是一位航空法和人身伤害案件的著名律师。本周三,他已发文向法庭要求美联航保留一切与此事件相关的文件,以及参与暴力拖拽该陶姓乘客的空警个人资料。在周四的新闻发布会上,Demetrio表示陶有可能会对该事件提起法律诉讼。
The United Airline passenger, who was violently removed from seat on a United Airline flight suffered a broken nose, lost two front teethes, and a concussion during the disturbing and traumatizing experience, according to his lawyer Thomas Demetrio. Demetrio, a renowned aviation and personal injury lawyer who has handled scores of personal injury cases related to airline mishaps, filed legal docs on Wednesday seeking judge’s order requesting the airline to retain all documents related to the incident, and personal files for the officer involved in removing Dao. A lawsuit from Dao was likely, said Demetrio during a press conference on Thursday.



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