
再见了, Hard Rock Café!

I am deeply saddened as Hard Rock Café closes its doors
来源: Katie Jia
让人眼花缭乱的Yonge-Dundas广场一直是多伦多的标志性景点。这里车水马龙,熙熙攘攘,五彩缤纷。但在这座不夜城中,Hard Rock Café才是真正的代表建筑。作为在多伦多市中心落户的第二家分店,这座音乐主题餐厅在过去近40年时间一边向顾客提供下酒小菜,同时还可以让他们选购各种摇滚乐纪念品。但是,Hard Rock Café在今年春天却关门歇业,这家音乐主题餐厅留给人们的摇滚记忆以及其它的传奇故事也都随之而去。

The bustling noise, colors and lights of Young and Dundas square, an iconic location of Toronto. What’s even more iconic in this bedazzling city of lights is the Hard Rock Café. Being the second location opening in the heart of Toronto, for nearly 40 years, its been serving up pub dishes with a side of Rock and Roll memorabilia. However, this past spring the Hard Rock Café closed its doors forever, along with the Rock and Roll memories and legends its held. 

这是多伦多今年关闭的第二家标志性老店。在继老百货店Honest Ed永久停业后,Hard Rock Café也从人们眼前消失,这不由得会勾起人们对往昔岁月的回忆。Elton John、Prince乃至来自Tragically Hip乐队的Gord Downie等音乐传奇人物都曾在Hard Rock Café留下过他们的足迹。

This is the second closing of an iconic location in Toronto this year. Following the end of Honest Ed’s, seeing the Hard Rock Café close its doors for the last time, actually brought upon nostalgic memories. Music legends have left their mark on the Café, Elton John, Prince, even Gord Downie from Tragically Hip. 

Hard Rock Café关门歇业不仅仅只是餐馆林立的多伦多市区又少了一家特色餐厅,加拿大也因此失去了一个摇滚乐名人堂。随着Hard Rock Café退出历史舞台,Shopper’s Drug Mart将取而代之,在多伦多的央街变成公寓和购物中心的海洋前,Hard Rock Café是多伦多市中心最后能让你欣赏老多伦多历史陈迹的地方之一。

The closure of the Café isn’t just a loss of another restaurant out of the hundreds in downtown Toronto, it’s the ending of a Canadian Rock ‘n’ Roll hall of fame. As Shopper’s Drug Mart will move into the location replacing the café, it was one of the last looks of what Yonge Street was before the generation of Condo’s and shopping centres. 

尽管社会日趋现代化,Sam The Record Man和Gasworks等乐迷们光顾的地方也一个个从人们眼前消失,但Hard Rock Café却成为多市最繁忙的旅游点之一。只要在市中心广场看到那高高竖立、耀眼的、令人难以忘怀的霓虹灯大吉他,人们就知道,这就是多伦多摇滚乐的天堂。

Despite all the modernization, the loss of others like Sam The Record Man and Gasworks, Hard Rock Café had become one of the busiest tourist spots in the city. The large led guitar light looming over the square with its classic sign always represented a place of rock ‘n’ roll in the city. 

Hard Rock Café不仅是多伦多市的宝贵财富,同时也是多伦多历史的一部日记。这座老店给我和我的朋友带来很多快乐,对于我们而言,它远不只是一家餐厅。每次我们远足去市中心,找家店吃饭从来就不是问题,但每次去市中心,我们都会异口同声地选择去Hard Rock Café。

The café wasn’t just a treasure of Toronto, but a book of memories for Torontonians themselves. The café brought a lot of joy and happiness with my friends and I. For my friends and me, it was more than just another restaurant. With any excursions downtown, grabbing food would always be easy since without a doubt we would all agree it was another trip to the Hard Rock Café.

每次走进Hard Rock Café,我们总会心潮起伏。作为狂热的音乐粉丝,尤其是对我那些酷爱摇滚乐的朋友来说,这家音乐主题餐厅无疑是一间活生生的摇滚名人博物馆,我们可以在这里可以尽情欣赏传奇音乐家的作品。当我们看到了所追捧的杰出摇滚艺术家以及他们的乐器时,美好的回忆立即涌上心头,幸福感油然而生。

Every time we stepped into the café, a wave of emotions would always wash over us. As huge fans of music, especially some of my friends heavily invested in rock ‘n’ roll, the café was like a living museum of legendary musicians and their artifacts. The nostalgic memories of seeing all of our favorite classic artist and their instruments, the place truly brought happiness to us.

当我们听到Hard Rock Café即将关门歇业的消息时,我们心中顿时充满悲哀。因为我的朋友圈一直都在这个地标老店中举办各种庆祝活动。我们的小乐队第一次登台表演后,我们就到Hard Rock Café庆祝了一番。在离开时,我们每个人都买了一顶带有此店标记的礼帽,并开玩笑称,这将是我们每次表演后必须做的事。

When we heard the news that they would be closing down for good, there was a sadness in our hearts. The landmark holds a traditional site of celebrations for my group. After our first ever musical performance as a band, we went to the café as a celebration. We walked out with each of us buying our own café fedora as a joke to commemorate the beginning of our tradition.

自从1978年开业以来,Hard Rock Café历经了多次改革。尽管现代化进程不断加快,但该餐厅不但没有落后,反而一直紧跟社会发展步伐,生意一直红火。Hard Rock Café之所以会关店,完全是因为多市经济膨胀,导致店铺租金大幅飙升。

Since opening in 1978, the Hard Rock Café had gone through many changes. Despite the modernization, the café kept up with the change in society, in fact, continued to do very well. The only reason they shut down was due to the booming city and rising rent prices. 


Having three Shopper’s drug marts all within such a close distance raises some questions for Torontonians. However, they said that this Shopper’s will be focused on cosmetics and be an attraction itself, keeping some historic musical references as a part of the new store.

遗憾的是,多伦多为此又失去一个标志性景点。随着数百栋公寓大厦拔地而起,以及Shopper’s药房取代了Hard Rock Café,多伦多似乎正渐渐失去其独特魅力和艺术特色。在Hard Rock Café关门歇业后,多伦多又将永远失去一个现场听音乐的场所。

It’s actually unfortunate to lose yet another iconic tourist attraction in Toronto. With the rise of hundreds of condo’s and now yet another Shopper’s moving into the location, the city feels as if its losing its magic and art. With the closure, Toronto loses yet another live music venue forever. 

事实是,Hard Rock Café的时代已经过去。随着时代变迁,你不得不接受还会有更多标志性景点将会面临和Hard Rock Café以及Honest Ed’s同样的命运的现实。尽管Hard Rock Café已经离音乐爱好者远去,但那里给他们留下的美好回忆却会像音乐传奇人物一样,永远印在他们的脑海中。

The truth is that the era that the Hard Rock Café is gone. The times have changed and honestly more iconic sights are going to face the same fate as the café and Honest Ed’s. Although the truth settles in for music lovers that the Café is gone and its doors are closed, the memories made there, like the music legends themselves, are forever. 



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