

How other aspects of minimum wage affect Ontario employers (III)
来源: Bob Mok
编者按: Bob Mok先生在本篇安省最低工资增长立法所造成的影响的系列专栏文章中,继续探讨该立法将对安大略省雇主造成的损害。如想阅读上一篇文章,请点击这里:http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/662220
Editor's Note: In his third article in a column series on the implication of Ontario minimum wage increase legislation, Bob Mok continues to explore other aspects of the proposed legislation that will take a toll on Ontario employers. For the previous article, click here: http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/662220

I have looked into the provincial government's web site and listing more details of the proposed legislation than what any typical newspaper has provided. These other reform proposals will act like time bombs to employers once implemented.

1)如果没有在48小时前通知员工取消轮班, 雇主就必须向员工支付三个小时的工资。
1) Employers would be required to pay three hours of wages to an employee whose shift is cancelled with less than 48 hours notice.


From time to time, employers are faced with business interruptions that may be out of their control. These can be one of the following: A lack of inventory, a delay in shipments requested by the client, a disruption in material supplies or disruption in utility services without warning. Under these circumstances, it is necessary to cancel work shifts and reschedule them. This new legislation will remove the flexibility from the employers and adding operational running costs to the business.

2) Employees would be able to refuse shifts without repercussion if given less than four days notice.


This reform works against the employers by taking away their ability to add or reschedule shifts. When a client wants extra shipments of goods in short order, shifts will have to be added. Also, with the implementation of the Personal Emergency Leave days, employers may have to switch shifts on other employees to fill the positions. Currently, there is always a certain amount of give and take on both sides to make ends meet. In future, employees can simply refuse shifts if given less than four days notice.
3) Employees who regularly work more than three hours per day, but upon reporting to work are given less than three hours, must be paid three hours at their regular rate of pay.


This means that employers cannot cut the hours of any employee whose shift is normally more than three hours without paying for at least three hours of work. If business is very slow at a retail store and the employer wants to close up shop for the day after opening, a minimum of three hours of wages must be paid to every employee.

4) Employers would be prohibited from misclassifying employees as "independent contractors."


As an employer of an independent contractor, you don’t have to do payroll, which involves withholding income tax, pay the employer's share of CPP/QPP, Employment Insurance (EI), etc. An “independent contractor” as a self-employed person can deduct all reasonable business expenses. However, an “independent contractor” will not be entitled to holidays and many other benefits proposed by the reforms.


Many employers have been “hiring” employees as independent contractors to save money while depriving workers of benefits entitled to them. Under many circumstances, corporations will also decrease their payroll through staff layoff or retirement and then rehiring the same people back as “independent contractors” to balance their financial books. The Ontario Government wants to close all of these loop holes.

5) There is a new, separate leave for child death from any cause for a period of up to 104 weeks (2 years). Another leave for crime-related child disappearance of up to 104 weeks is also proposed.


These new leave provisions allow unfortunate employees to take time away and deal with bereavement of child death or disappearance and relieve emotional harm to them. Once again, the employer will be put into a position to find replacements for these occasions not previously allowed. 

6) An increased Family Medical Leave from up to 8 weeks in a 26-week period to up to 27 weeks in a 52-week period.
Another extension of existing leave allowed under current legislation. Employers will have to prepare to lose services from existing employees for a much longer period of time than previously practised.

Next time, we will further examine remaining items on the proposed labour reforms and how the government will build a bureaucracy to handle them.



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