

Chinese News interviews Ontario Liberal Candidate in Unionville riding
来源: Bob Mok

The Unionville riding provincial election (Liberal Party) candidate nomination meeting is scheduled for August 27, 2017. The Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario has yet to set a date for their nomination meeting. The Unionville riding boundaries were remapped in 2015 for the Federal Election and won by the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada candidate Bob Saroya.


Unionville is now a new provincial riding with 57% of Chinese constituents. The heritage vote factor is high and strongly favours a candidate of Chinese origin in the upcoming provincial election in 2018. There are two Liberal Party nominees of Chinese origin fighting to represent the Liberal Party in that contest – Markham Ward#6 councillor Amanda Yeung Collucci and financial entrepreneur Sophia Sun.

大中报专栏作家Bob Mok最近采访了杨绮清。孙晓明没有接受大中报的采访邀请。以下是采访的摘录。
Chinese News columnist Bob Mok interviewed Councillor Amanda Yeung Collucci recently. Following is an excerpt from that interview. Sophia Sun declined an interview with Chinese News.

Q: Why do you think you qualify as a MPP?

A: The position requires excellent communications skills, interpersonal skills, issues awareness, familiarity with government policies, and the ability to work with constituents. I believe that I possess those skills.

Q: Why do you want to be a MPP?

A: I was elected to Markham City Council to represent Ward 6 residents. I enjoy dealing with the public and solving their problems. Issues that cannot be solved at the municipal level will have to be dealt with at the provincial level. These include but not limited to: sustainable housing (which include:  affordable housing, and senior housing), transit, and traffic issues. Also, the residents in my ward are urging me to contest for the job of MPP.

Q: What is your view on “Heritage Votes”?

A: I am not aware of Heritage Votes. All candidates must be treated equally. Candidate and MPP should work for all constituents within the riding and not catered to any one heritage groups.

Q: What is your understanding on access rights to Condominium apartments as a nominee for candidacy?

A: The job of any nominee is to understand and follow the applicable laws. If they do not understand or abide by the laws, then they do not deserve any public support for their candidacy. We must respect the privacy of residents in these buildings.
If there are nominees who tried to gain access without permission, then they are putting their personal interests ahead of public interests.

Q: Have you, or will you get any endorsements from Ontario Minister Michael Chan?

答:我还没有找他支持我。我甚至没有想过这个问题。我得到了万锦市长Frank Scarpitti和Nirmala Armstrong的支持,他们都熟悉我在市议会里的工作和成就。另外,我得到了万锦省议员Helena Jaczek和烈志文山省议员Reza Moridi的支持。
A: I have not approached him for any endorsement. I have not even thought about this. I have endorsements from Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti and Nirmala Armstrong who are familiar with my work and achievements in the Council. I also have an endorsement from a local MPP Helena Jaczek and Richmond Hill MPP Reza Moridi.

Q: If you are unsuccessful with becoming a MPP, will you run again in the Municipal Election in 2018?

A: I enjoy my job as Ward 6 Councillor. I will run and serve my residents if that opportunity is available.

杨绮清是第一个当选为万锦市议员的华裔女性,目前是万锦第6选区的市议员。作为一个成功企业家,她对自己要求很高,热衷社区服务。作为市政预算委员会的副主席,万锦市加拿大国庆活动的联席主席,杨绮清长期服务万锦社区,包括Markham Stouffville医院,万锦爵士音乐节,卡斯尔莫尔公立学校和特鲁多高中的家长协会。
Biography - Amanda Yeung Collucci:
First Chinese Female elected to City of Markham Council, Amanda Yeung Collucci is Markham Ward 6 Councillor, an Award Winning entrepreneur with a passion for excellence and supporting for community. As Vice Chair of Budget Committee and Co-Chair of Canada Day in City of Markham, Amanda has a long history of serving her Markham community including Markham Stouffville Hospital, Markham Jazz Festival, Castlemore Public School and Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School Parent Council.

Amanda and her husband Chris are proud parents of two children. They’ve resided in the Markham-Unionville riding for over 16 years.



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