

Amanda Yeuning Collucci elected Ontario Liberal candidate for Markham Unionville
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
Markham City Councilor Amanda Yeung Collucci has beat her biggest rival Sophia Sun to win the hotly contested nomination battle in Markham Unionville riding on Aug 27, – the riding with a large Chinese Canadian voter base. Collucci told Chinese News confidently in a pre-election interview that, with a dedicated commitment to public service, extensive political experience and excellent communication and interpersonal skills, she is the most qualified candidate for the position of MPP in the riding. 

杨在当选后表示:“我们需要一个支持妇女的事业选择,一个为家庭提供良好的医疗保障和教育机制的省政府,一个能通过发挥我们在各个行业的优势和特长而促进经济发展的省政府… 安省居民应能在下班后,及时与家人共进晚餐,与子女团聚并享受自由时光。我认为安省自由党是一个一直不断为居民提供这一契机的政党,而我以能成为这一政党中的一员而引以为豪。”

 “We deserve a progressive provincial government that supports women at home and at work, provides families with quality health care and education, and grows the economy by leveraging our strengths and diversity in every sector,” said Collucci after the election. “And, at the end of the work day, people should be able to get home in time for dinner, spend time with their children and enjoy other activities. I believe Ontario Liberals are the ones to keep delivering on this vision, and I’m honoured to be part of their team.”


The nomination was a hotly contested battle between Collucci and Sophia Sun, an entrepreneur and the president of Canada-China Investment Association. Both Collucci and Sun gained support and endorsement from political heavyweights. 

杨在接受《大中报》采访时表示,她的政客支持者中有万锦市长Frank Scarpitti,当地MPP Helena Jaczek及列治文山市的MPP Reza Moridi,但她未曾寻求陈国治的支持。

Collucci told Chinese News in the interview that she did not seek support or endorsement from Michael Chan, but she has the complete support from Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti, local MPP Helena Jaczek and Richmond Hill MPP Reza Moridi.

“They are familiar with my work and achievements in the Council,” said she.

杨的支持者万锦市长Frank Scarpitti说,:“我亲眼目睹了她对公共事业的敬业精神,特别是她为社区中老年和青年人的效力精神。如果她能在省内代表我们,我相信这对万锦来说是一件好事。”

Markham Mayor Scarpitti endorsed Collucci, saying, “I have witnessed Amanda’s commitment to public service, especially her advocacy for seniors and youth in our community. When she represents us at the province, I know that will result in good things for Markham.”


Collucci told Chinese News that she believes that she possesses all the required skills for the position as a MPP—including communications and interpersonal skills, issues awareness, familiarity with government policies, and the ability to work with constituents.

有两个孩子的杨于90年代从香港移民加国,她高中毕业后进入约克大学,获得经济学士学位。她曾在IBM做到高级销售,后成为加国小企业家。 她是加中企业加协会会员,为Markham Stouffville Hospital筹款,并曾当选学校教育委员。2014年, 她成为第一名当选万锦市议员的华裔加国女性。

A mother of two, Amanda Yeung Collucci immigrated to Canada from Hong Kong in the 1990s, working her way to earn her high-school diploma and graduating from York University in economics. She then worked in sales and increasingly senior roles at IBM, before she became a small-business owner. She is an executive member of the Association of Chinese-Canadian Entrepreneurs, is a fund-raiser to support the Markham Stouffville Hospital and serves on her school council. She was the first Chinese-Canadian woman elected to Markham City Council, in 2014.

孙晓明是近期大陆移民挑战政坛的数名人士中之一。 她曾于2014年参选约克地区区议员,但以17000张选票而落选。 
Sun was among a quite a few Chinese Canadians from the mainland Chinese community running for public office. She was running for York Regional Councilor in 2014 but lost despite gaining 17000 votes. 

在八月底的提名选举之前, 大约有6000名万锦市选民加入了自由党。该选举的选票详情尚未公布。据本报消息人士称, 绝大多数投票选民都看似来自大陆华人社区。
Around 6000 new members from the local riding had joined the Liberal party prior to the Aug. nomination election. The detailed voting results have not been disclosed According to sources, an overwhelming majority of voters seem to be from the mainland Chinese community. 



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