

Freight train diversion proposal raises concerns
来源: Bob Mok
Freight trains are carrying explosive, toxic and dangerous freight through one of the densest and fastest growing population centres in the GTA (Vaughan and Markham) on a daily basis. A new proposal  commissioned by a few municipalities to our south, with only their own priorities in mind will increase the number of these freight trains by multiple folds if successfully adopted. For a background of transporting hazardous goods and cargoes on freight trains, please refer to my earlier articles:  http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/626395
经营GO Transit通勤列车的国营公司Metrolinx已被授权在十年内推出城市间通勤快车(RER)服务。RER将通过把目前的通勤铁路线升级,使Go Transit从单轨变成可以对开的双轨,并进行24小时的全天候服务。

Metrolinx, which operates GO Transit, has been given a mandate to introduce Regional Express Rail (RER) service within ten years. This Regional Express Rail network will be created by updating GO Transit to two-way, all-day service on all of its regional rail lines.


In September, 2015, the “Missing Link Report” was commissioned by the City of Milton. One part of this report proposes to divert Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) freight traffic from its current route in the Milton-Mississauga and Toronto areas to the Canadian National Railway (CN) Rail tracks in Vaughan and Markham. 

“缺乏铁路链接报告”建议兴建更多的铁路轨道,把目前已有的铁路轨道连接起来。其目的是把从多伦多铁路总站(联合车站)发出的货运列车与从总站到米尔顿、Kitchener的Go Transit通勤客车分走不同的轨道,这样可以更容易将Go Transit通勤轨道从单轨升级为双轨的全天候服务。

“The Missing Link” starts with building additional railway tracks to bridge different existing systems. Its purpose is to separate freight trains from passenger trains on the GO Transit lines to Milton and Kitchener from Union Station in Toronto. By remove the freight trains, it will facilitate the upgrading of GO Transit line to two-way, all-day service. 

线路分开后,GO Transit通勤线路可以电气化,提供更快,车次更多的通勤服务,并有可能为将来可能兴建的GTHA(大多伦多汉密尔顿地区)高速铁路打下基础。此项建议所带来的结果将使目前从多伦多,密西沙加,布兰普顿和乔治敦走的货运列车线路改走Vaughan和万锦市。来自米尔顿线的所有重型CP货运列车将通过已经很拥挤的Vaughan和万锦的CN货运线路!

The GO lines can then be electrified, which will provide faster, more frequent service, with the possibility for a future high speed rail into the centre of the GTHA (Great Toronto Hamilton Area). In effect, freight trains will be diverted away from central areas in Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton and Georgetown. All heavy CP freight trains from the Milton line will go onto the already busy CN freight track that runs through Vaughan and Markham!

“缺乏铁路链接报告”建议说,米尔顿铁路走廊全天候的GO Transit通勤服务将有利于剑桥,米尔顿,密西沙加和多伦多市中心。它声称GO Transit和货运列车分走不同的铁路线也可以减少列车误点,并减少CN和CP的线路维护和行车路线的管理。通过重型货运列车改道,还可以实现这两条线路的电气化。该项目的估计成本为53亿元。

The “Missing Link Report” suggests that all day GO transit service on the Milton Corridor would benefit the municipalities of Cambridge, Milton, Mississauga and Central Toronto. It claims that GO and freight train separation would also reduce delays and reduce maintenance and track operations for CN and CP. By removing heavy freight traffic, electrification of these two lines can be achieved. The estimated cost of this project is $5.3 billion. 

目前,米尔顿和Kitchener的铁路线承担了大量的CP和CN货运列车的运输,而这些铁路线继续由CP和CN拥有。 Vaughan和万锦市的许多社区领袖和政客们正在游说省和联邦政府不要实施此报告所建议的货运改线做法。

At this point, the Milton and Kitchener lines currently share track with substantial traffic of CP and CN freight trains and those lines continue to be owned by CP and CN. Many community leaders and municipal politicians in Vaughan and Markham are currently joining efforts to lobby the Provincial and Federal government not to proceed with this portion of the project.

The "Missing Link Report" represents a poor way for governments to make critical decisions potentially affecting the health and lives of many thousands of their residents, people who have had no direct participation in the process. This report was commissioned by a few municipalities, with only their own priorities in mind, without any notice to their northern neighbours, without any consideration for the potential effects on other communities, without any opportunity to be heard, and without any transparency in the process. This is not the democratic way of making important decisions.

关心此问题的读者和居民可以到Google的”Public Transparency 4 Freight Trains”请愿书上签名,或使用链接http://bit.ly/2ds6xTB签名。

Interested residents can sign the petition that has already been started on Google at, ‘Public Transparency 4 Freight Trains’ or by using this linkhttp://bit.ly/2ds6xTB.



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