

Patrick Brown tries to grab political centre
来源: Bob Mok

Over the past year, Ontario Liberal Party has baited Ontario Progressive Conservative Party leader Patrick Brown to reveal his election platform. They chastised him for attacking the governments policies tailored made for the 1918 provincial election while not offering any of his own suggestions.

The provincial Liberal party has morphed into a political chameleon over the last decade, it has been selectively adopting planks from the New Democratic Party as her own and absorbing NDP voters with these ideas. The same tactics did not work with the Progressive Conservatives as nothing was announced and available to them.


Many new proposals and laws were put into place by Ontario Liberal government over the last 6 months to lure voters for another majority term to remain in power after a 14 year stretch of scandals and deficits. The release of promises by Progressive Conservative Leader Patrick Brown on Nov 25, 2017 at the PC Party Policy Convention means that it is now too late for the Liberals to steal any of these ideas. Patrick Brown named his promises a “People’s Guarantee” and pledged not to run for a second term if he fails to deliver on five major commitments.

The five major commitments are supported by 147 promises detailed in a 78-page magazine named “People’s Guarantee”. The five major commitments are as follows:
1)            22.5% lower income taxes for middle class.
2)            75% refund of child care expenses.
3)            12% more off the Hydro Bills.
4)            Largest mental health commitment in Canadian Provincial History.
5)            First-ever Trust, Integrity, and Accountability Act.

The other promises ranged from a rebate to winter tires to Wi-Fi on Go Trains. What can we sense from these promises? The policies indicate a move by the PC Party from the right back to the centre of Ontario Policies. Help is promised for families struggling with child-care costs. The middle class is getting a tax cut and mental health issues are getting a much needed boost.

当然,选民要问的一个问题是:“确保这些承诺所需的资金来自哪里?”。承诺这些钱的很大一部分来自联邦的碳税。这是一个非常有争议的政策,许多传统的保守派反对这一做法。电费法案会在自由党承诺的降低电费25%的基础上再减12%。这一措施所需要的资金将来自Hydro One私有化所得到3.5亿。在平衡赤字以前,承诺这些措施将会让保守党执政的第一年的赤字达到28亿元。

Of course, the next question from the voters will be: “Where is the money necessary to support these promises coming from ?”. A good portion will come from Ontario joining the Federal Carbon Tax, a very controversial policy that is opposed by many traditional conservatives. The Hydro Bill reduction of another 12% more on top of what the Liberals are offering (25%) will come from the province’s $350-million dividend from its share in the privatized Hydro One. All of these expenses will result in a projected deficit of $2.8 billion in the first year before a balance can be achieved after that.

The Liberal Party went on the attack immediately, claiming that the promises are not achievable with the proposed funding. They also claimed that parts of what the PC Party is offering actually come from the Liberal Platform. This is in reference to the Mental Health Commitment where Brown promised to increase spending by $151 million in the 2018-19 fiscal year, another $190 million in 2019-2020 and by more than $200 million in each subsequent fiscal year.


Patrick Brown is not a household name in Ontario. The timing of this release of the election platform was helpful and it was a pivot point for the party. They can now shift from just criticizing the government to proposing what they would do differently for the people. The promises and pledge will raise Brown's profile. It is now awkward for the Liberals to continue to claim that Brown has no ideas. It also makes it difficult for them to “steal” any of the policies and incorporate them into their platform with such a short time left to the election date (June 7, 2018).

Next time, we will look at the details of some of the 147 promises that are.



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