

Meng Wanzhou a victim of Huawei’s wolf culture
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

当2015年华为创始人任正非发起公司内部反欺诈运动,要求华为雇员自动坦白其以往财务不良行为时, 作为华为财务总监,任正非之长女的孟晚舟是否主动坦白了2014年她就华为在伊朗业务所犯下被指控的欺诈罪了呢?

When Ren Zhengfei, Huawei’s founder asked employees to come forward to confess financial improprieties in 2015, as part of a campaign to crack down on corruption, did Meng Wanzhou, CFO and Ren’s daughter report the fraud conspiracy she allegedly committed in 2014 in relating to Huawei’s business in Iran? 


Threatened with being reported to authorities if failing to confess by a specific date, about 4000 to 5000 Huawei employees – many being high ranking in the company, came forward to admit they had a brush with company’s policy -- ranging from small misdemeanors to corruption to fraudulent financial reporting, according to a media report. However, whether Meng, Huawei’s princess, was among those confessed wouldn’t make a difference. Her father and the CEO of Huawei could have turned a blind eye to whatever the crime she had allegedly committed– even though it was among the largest ones in scale. 


US attorneys allege that Meng, in a desperate attempt to move money out of Iran, a country subject to US and EU sanctions, misled the American banks into clearing financial transactions in $100 million with Skycom in Iran by 2014. Ms. Meng concealed Skycom’s link to Huawei to reassure HSBC and other banks that Huawei was not violating American sanctions against Iran. HSBC faced fines in billions resulting from Meng’s misrepresentations. 


However, Huawei’s internal campaign on corruption and fraud could be superficial. It seemed merely an effort to suck up to Xi by collaborating with the nationwide anti-corruption campaign. Hiding behind it was the company’s aggressive wolf culture that celebrated daring feats in pursuing new business. With an intense will to get ahead, employees were encouraged to bend company rules, so long as doing so enriched the company but not employees personally, according to the Times.


To encourage employees to seek maximum benefits for the company, Huawei evaluated staff solely according to how much business they won and ignored actions that violated internal rules and or crossed “yellow lines.”  Enforcing internal rules should not become a hindrance, says Mr. Ren.


“If it blocks the business from producing grain, then we all starve to death,” he said, according to a transcript of his comments on a Huawei website.

华为这一为达高指标而不顾一切的狼性文化让华为屡次违规国际法规,并使其面临国外机构对提起的各种不良行为之指控。2002年,华为据报违反联合国禁运令而向萨达姆侯赛因政权出售技术;2003年,华为因被控盗窃软件甚至使用指南手册被Cisco Systems起诉;2013年,华为承认其雇员拷贝及盗窃了位于华盛顿州的T-Mobile实验室的一款智能手机检测机器人。

The wolf culture that pushed the company ruthlessly seek bottom line has led Huawei to the repeated transgressions of international law and left the company facing allegations of impropriety of various kinds. In 2002, Huawei reportedly broke United Nation’s embargo and sold technology to Saddam Hussein’s regime. In 2003, Huawei was sued by Cisco Systems, for allegedly copying its software and even language from its instruction manuals. In 2013, Huawei acknowledged that its employees had photographed and stolen a piece of a smartphone-testing robot from T-Mobile lab in Washington to help Huawei produce its robot.


While Meng could dodge Huawei’s internal crackdown on fraud, she has been in the crosshair of US authorities, ultimately facing criminal charges in prisoner’s box.  Huawei’s aggressive wolf culture has helped propel it to the leader of the global tech market, but it has also got itself into trouble, leaving it to face the biggest scandal in the company’s history. 





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