

Had Trudeau discreetly tipped off Meng, Canada would have been in more trouble than it is now
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

12 月14日,《环邮》发表了Michael Byers的观点文章“明智的政府应警告孟晚舟别来加拿大”。该文称特鲁多政府错失良机,白白失去了密告孟晚舟别登飞往温哥华航班之机会。

“A wiser government would have warned Meng Wanzhou to stay away,” read the title of a Globe opinion piece by Michael Byers. The article, published on Dec. 14,  says that Trudeau’s government had missed the opportunities to warn Meng not to board her flight to Canada.


The Trudeau government, which knew about the extradition request several days in advance -- had ample opportunities to warn Meng by contacting Huawei Canada, says the article. Had Canadian officials tipped Meng off, Meng would have stayed beyond the reach of Canadian law, and Canada would not have been caught in the middle of a tech war between the world’s two superpowers. 

这种观点目前似乎风头正劲。上周《环邮》发表了前加国贸易协商大使Gordon Ritchie的类似观点文章,指责特鲁多政府在与中国外交问题上愚蠢无能,因举棋不定而大现败笔。

The opinion seems to have gained momentum. In another Globe opinion piece with the similar view last week, Gordon Ritchie, a former Canadian ambassador for trade negotiations, accuses the Trudeau government of being incompetent as “it dithers its way to a failing grade on China relations.” 


A competent government would have found a way to warn Meng off discreetly, says the article. “Instead, despite the ample warning, Canadian officials arrested Ms. Meng at the Vancouver airport,” kicking off a legal procedure that rejects political decision making.  


However, tipping off Meng seemed to be an extremely wrong diplomatic move that would have seen Canada shamelessly trying to gain leverage from authoritarian China while betraying the trust of the US, our major Western and democratic ally. 

美国政府提出引渡孟晚舟要求之际,正值特鲁多面临来自多方的要求加国将中国电讯业巨头赶出加国5G系统呼声之时。 尽管加国和美国情报机构一再警告,加国和英国是唯一的两个西方国家尚未下达华为禁令的国家。特鲁多政府以“政治干预不适”为由而迟迟不下华为禁令, 此举引发了美国、五眼情报联盟、加拿大联邦保守党及前总理哈珀的深度担忧。

The U.S. government efforts to extradite Meng came as Trudeau government faced intensified pressure to shun the Chinese telecommunications giant from its 5G network. Despite repeated warnings from the US and Canadian intelligence agencies, Canada, along with Britain, were the only Western countries that had not yet barred Huawei's system from its 5G network. Trudeau’s indecision in banning Huawei – citing inappropriate intervention of politics – sparked grave concerns for the US, Five Eyes intelligence alliance, the Conservative Party of Canada, and former PM Steven Harper.  


Before Meng’s arrest, U.S. senators on the Senate intelligence committee in Washington had warned Canada that not banning Huawei could result in the Americans restricting Canadian access to U.S. intelligence. The Conservatives accused Trudeau of lacking seriousness about the safety of Canadians, urging him to exclude Huawei as the Australians, New Zealanders and Americans have done. Former Conservative Prime Minister Steven Harper made a similar demand, citing growing concerns over Huawei’s penetration into Western communication networks and China’s desire to spread an alternative to the Western democratic norm. 

在要求将华为拦在加国电讯市场大门之外的呼声达至新高之际,特鲁多岂敢偷偷向华为财务总监和创始人之女的孟晚舟递送情报让她别登上前往温哥华的飞机,秘密从美国当局眼皮底下溜走? 这一举动可谓肆意妄为,既盲目又危险,并将导致不堪设想的结局。将引发美国的不满,让加国的民主盟友痛心,并导致反对党的猛烈抨击。加国则会成为西方社会的谴责目标,受到其最大贸易伙伴的制裁,甚至被五眼联盟扫地出门! 加拿大将处于比目前大的多的困境,而自由党也会在2019年大选之际深陷丑闻不能自拔。

As the demands for banning China’s tech giant from the Canadian market reached fever pitch, discreetly tipping off Meng – Huawei CFO and the daughter of its founder –would have been the most brazen and dangerous move for Trudeau at the time. Had Trudeau secretively let her slip away from US authorities, it would have further upset the US, hurt the feelings of Canada’s democratic allies, and fueled attacks from the Conservative opposition.  It would put Canada in the crosshair of denunciations from Western society, leaving it to face repercussions from our biggest trading partner or even the expulsion from the Five Eyes Intelligence community. Canada would have found itself in more trouble than it is now, and the Liberal Party in a big controversy as it starts the 2019 election campaign. 


If Trudeau refused to let politics “slip into” his decision on banning Huawei, he must refuse to allow politics to intervene with the arrest of Meng.





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