
自由党宣布当谷北区投票选出候选人 江邦固,董晗鹏将角逐谁代表自由党参加联邦大选

Liberal nomination meeting called for Don Valley North
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

加拿大联邦自由党宣布将在本周四举行当河谷北(Don Valley North)选区 2019年提名投票会。该决定表明,该党将通过竞争性投票程序决定当河谷北区的自由党候选人,而不是通过直接任命。提名竞赛是一个健康的民主程序,反映了自由党欲通过与选民互动和发展根基来实现其对选民承诺之意愿。

The Liberal Party of Canada has called 2019 nomination meeting in Don Valley North for Thursday this week. The announcement indicates that the Party will choose the riding's Liberal candidate through a competitive voting process, rather than directly appointment. A nomination contest is a democratic process, reflecting the Liberal Party's commitment to supporting grassroots campaigns and engaging with Canadians.


The riding's Liberal MP Geng Tan announced in May that he is not seeking re-election. A hot contesting nomination battle has been unfolding in this riding concentrated with Chinese Canadians, putting three candidates of Chinese origin under the spotlight. Ms. Banggu Jiang and Han Dong have got the green light to compete in the nomination race.

今年7月,自由党宣布该选区进入“紧急选举”状态,此举引起自由党将在该选区指定候选人的猜疑。处于紧急选举状态的选区提名赛可不按自由党选举标准程序进行,而来自党部高层的这一决定被认为是为其“看中”的候选人轻易获得提名而铺平道路。2014年,在自由党宣布Trinity Spadina进入紧急选举状态后,其明星候选人亚当•沃恩(Adam Vaughan)获得该选区自由党候选人提名。当时退出提名赛的候选人之一Ryan Davey曾指控此提名过程其实就是“赤裸裸的任命”。

The Liberal Party of Canada declared the riding in a state of urgency in July, which sparked speculations that the Party would appoint a candidate. The declaration, which allows the Party's leadership to bypass the standard nomination procedure, would pave the way for the Party's preferred candidate to get nominated.  In 2014, the Liberals' star candidate Adam Vaughan became the nominee for Trinity Spadina riding after the Party declared the riding in a state of urgency. This nomination process has allegedly been a de facto appointment, alleged one of the candidates who quit the race.


Chinese News had contacted the Liberal Party of Canada seeking to verify the speculation over appointing the candidate in DVN. The Party neither denied nor confirmed the rumor in its email to Chinese News. "The Liberal Party of Canada is being approached by a variety of talented community leaders interested in becoming the Team Trudeau candidate in Don Valley North…Liberal candidates and campaigns will be highlighting Justin Trudeau's positive plan to create jobs, strengthen the middle class, and make life better for Ontario families," read the email.


However, the nomination meeting in DVN seems to buck a growing trend that party candidates get nominated through the appointment and without a contest. New research by the Toronto-based Samara Centre for Democracy reveals just 17% of candidates won a competitive nomination race in the past five federal elections. Parties directly appointed more than 2,700 candidates — and out of the 3,900 nomination contests monitored by the center, more than 70 percent saw just one person run, according to the report.


In particular, the study suggests appointed candidates were less likely to be a woman, from visible-minority or Indigenous backgrounds.


The practice of Party directly appointing candidate lacks transparency and competitiveness.  It is also incredibly unfair for other candidates who are running an active grassroots campaign. The accusation of "stacking the deck" to get Vaughan nominated had left Trudeau's credibility under fire.


Voters do have a stake in how the Party runs their internal affairs, said Michael Morden, the director of research at Samara. But he said most Canadians have little access to or ability to scrutinize the "black box" of party nominations, which has profound consequences for Canadian democracy. 


Many residents in DVN are happy about the nomination meeting. Candidates have been running a very active and successful campaign by engaging voters in this multicultural community through social media and door-to-door canvassing. Voters are supportive of this healthy, democratic practice.



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