

He jiankui, Chinese gene editing scientist faces 3 year prison sentence
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


He Jiankui, the Chinese scientist who created the world's first genetically modified babies – Lulu and Nana, faced a three- year prison sentence in China after a secret trial closed to the public. While the conviction came as Beijing, under pressure from international community, seemingly beefed up its effort to firefly denounce the gene-editing practice, the birth of Lulu and Nana underscored Beijing's eugenic ambition in zealously pursuing reproductive success.  To a certain extent, Mr. He is made a scapegoat for China's controversial research efforts that break the international ethical norms.




编辑婴儿是中国的必然产物。长期以来, 中国的基因研究与医学界伦理观念相悖,擅自篡改组成人类的基础信息单元,构成对自然科学之不恭。据《华尔街时报》报道,中国以使用基因编辑技术已对86名人士进行了基因编辑,且这一技术可用来删除造成不良之人物特性的基因,同时也可用来添加那些人类所向往之特性的基因,以此来创造中国优生文化所推崇的婴儿。

Gene-edited babies are inevitable in China. For decades, Chinese genetic science has been on a crash course with medical ethics, tinkering with scientific building blocks of human life. China has already gene-edited 86 people with CRISPR, according to the Wall Street Journal.  They exploited CRISPR to delete undesirable human traits and, potentially, add desirable ones, in a bid to create babies that Chinese eugenic culture desires.


Beijing's massive investments in genomic research have led to eugenic programs that have become the world's largest and most successful ones. BGI in Shenzhen has conducted Cognitive Genomics Project, collecting DNA samples from 2,000 of the world's smartest people and sequencing their entire genomes to create the brightest babies.


Meanwhile, congenital disabilities are a disgrace and unacceptable, a sinister undertone advocated by the Chinese government and quietly accepted by Chinese society. In 1994, China passed Eugenics and Health Protection Law forbidding people with mental or physical disorders from marrying or reproducing. In 2016, employees at BGI Shenzhen were told by a co-founder that they were not allowed to have children with congenital disabilities, according to NYTimes.


While eugenic culture still exerts its appeal in China, it became a historical past in the West, where the eugenic attitude is highly controversial. Today, eugenic terms are widely frowned upon by Canadians because they conjure memories of the eugenics movement that created racial inequality and contributed to the atrocities of the Nazi Holocaust. Canada is now in the post eugenic era, resuscitating from the damages caused by eugenic law passed in the 20th century that sterilized women and girls with disabilities.

我怀孕后所进行的一次妊娠血液检查让我对加拿大摈弃优生的态度初见端倪。检查结果显示我所怀的婴儿面临较高的唐氏综合症的风险。当基因专科医生告诉我说即使进一步检查认定我的婴儿的确患有唐氏综合症,加国社会会接受你作为母亲要保留婴儿的决定 (幸运的是我的婴儿没有任何问题)。许多加国父母当了解婴儿先天疾病后都会义无反顾地做出保留婴儿的决定,这一现象与中国大城市歧视和拒绝生育缺陷婴儿的文化,以及父母纷纷选择堕胎的行为形成鲜明对比。

I discovered Canadians' disdain for eugenics after a positive blood test indicated that the baby I conceived faced an elevated risk of Down syndrome. I was surprised when the genetic doctor told me that the society would accept the mother’s decision to keep her fetus, even though further test results confirmed that the baby had Down syndrome (luckily, my baby was fine). Many pro-choice parents in Canada would choose to give birth to a baby diagnosed with the disease, a sharp contrast to their counterparts in Chinese cities, where Down syndrome babies are subject to society's ridicule and rejection.


Lulu and Nana may get spared from HIV but face elevated risks of getting other diseases—including influenza and even cancer, thanks to He's unethical efforts that meddle with nature. While using CRISPR to enhance intelligence or other characteristics is the worst fear facing the global scientists, China's eugenic programs still embrace it, with many more critical applications of CRISPR in store. Putting Mr. He in jail wouldn't put a dent in China's growing eugenic ambition.


“There will be someone, somewhere, who is doing this. If it’s not me, it is someone else,” said Mr. He before facing charges.




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