

Is Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus a Beijing’s puppet?
来源: Bob Mok


The corona-virus pandemic pushes the World Health Organization (WHO) in front of the world stage. Unfortunately, it ascended the stage in a very bad light. WHO's Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus consistently echoed and defended China's statements earned himself the nickname “Secretary Tam”.


5月1日周五中午12点疫情快报 安省新增421例 加国进入经济衰退期



People were puzzled by Ghebreyesus' behaviour and they want to understand why he is behaving this way. I was very curious myself and so I started researching into his background to see if I can pick up any clues and motivations for his actions.

谭德塞1965年出生在阿斯马拉,当时属于埃塞俄比亚,现在是厄立特里亚的首都。 1986年,谭德塞从阿斯马拉大学获得生物学学士学位。1992年,他从伦敦大学的伦敦卫生与热带医学学院获得了传染病免疫学硕士学位。 2000年,以研究水坝对埃塞俄比亚提格雷地区疟疾传播的影响为课题,他获得了诺丁汉大学社区卫生哲学博士学位。

Tedros was born in Asmara in 1965 which at that time was in Ethiopia - but is now the capital of Eritrea (厄立特里亚). In 1986, Tedros received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Asmara. In 1992, Tedros received a Master of Science degree in Immunology of Infectious Diseases from London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine at the University of London. In 2000, he earned a Doctor of Philosophy in community health from the University of Nottingham for research investigating the effects of dams on the transmission of malaria in the Tigray region of Ethiopia.

获得学士学位后,谭德塞效力埃塞俄比亚卫生部,担任普通公共卫生专家。 2001年,他被任命为提格雷地区卫生局局长。2003年下半年,他被任命为卫生部国务部长(副部长)。他从2005年至2012年担任卫生部长。2012年11月到2016年,谭德塞任埃塞俄比亚外交部长。

After obtaining his bachelor degree, Tedros joined the Ministry of Health in Ethiopia as a junior public health expert. In 2001, Tedros was appointed head of the Tigray Regional Health Bureau. In late 2003, Tedros was appointed a State Minister (deputy minister) for Health. Tedros served as Minister of Health from 2005 to 2012. In November 2012, Tedros became Ethiopia's Minister of Foreign Affairs. He held this position from November 2012 until 2016.


On 24 May 2016, Tedros officially announced his candidacy for the post of the Director-General of the World Health Organization as the sole African candidate, with endorsement from the African Union (AU) and Ministers of Health of the continent.


Tedros was elected as Director-General of the World Health Organization by the World Health Assembly on 23 May 2017, becoming the first African director-general who is not a medical doctor, with an overwhelming 133 votes out of 185. Elected by secret voting ballots open to all Member States for the first time, he took office for a five-year term on 1 July 2017. It is evident throughout his campaign that the entire African Union bloc of countries (55 of them) were supporting his election.


In the past, the director-general of the WHO was selected in a secretive and elite process by the thirty-four members of its executive committee. During the election, some candidates accused Tedros of having covered up repeated outbreaks of cholera in Ethiopia, which may have delayed the international response.


Dues from member countries make up less than third of WHO's $2.2 billion budget. The rest comes from large donors, including the United States, Britain, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rotary International and Norway.

许多人认为谭德塞是为了从北京获得金钱利益和/或未来利益使得他要看北京的眼色行事。但目前还没有证据证明这一点。 谭德塞的年薪约为24万美元。

Many people questioned if Tedros secured any pecuniary interests and/or delayed benefits from China to behave the way he does. There is no proof to support these suspicions for the time being. Tedros annual salary is about US$240,000.

但可以肯定的是,谭德塞是北京看中的世卫组织候选人。北京力推他当选总干事。这项工作涉及非洲联盟的国家,并始于十年前。 2009年,中国资助了位于埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴的非洲联盟会议中心和办公大楼。工程造价为2亿美元,并于2012年1月28日揭幕。当时谭德塞担任埃塞俄比亚外交部长。谭德塞当然对中国把埃塞俄比亚建设成非盟中的一个精英国家所做的努力感恩戴德。

What is clear to many is that Tedros was the chosen candidate by China and they did everything in their power to get him elected. The effort would involve countries from the African Union and it started a decade ago. In 2009, China funded the African Union's Conference Centre and Office complex in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The cost was US$200 million and the building was inaugurated on 28 January 2012 – the time when Tedros was Ethiopia's Minister of Foreign Affairs. Tedros must have appreciated China's efforts to put Ethiopia up as an elite country in the eyes of the AU.


The headquarters comprise a 20-storey office building, housing the administrative departments of the African Union Commission; a 2,505-person-capacity plenary chamber; and a sub-conference building with 32 conference rooms. It plays host to the biannual AU summits. It also serves as a conference centre for African and diaspora businesses.


In January 2018, a newspaper report claimed that the AU's IT department had discovered in early 2017 that the site's computer systems were connecting nightly to servers in Shanghai and uploading AU files as well as recordings from microphones embedded in the walls and furniture. The building's computer system was subsequently removed and the AU refused a Chinese offer to configure the replacement system. The newspaper alleged that the AU had then covered up the hack to protect Chinese interests in the continent.


The Chinese Communist Party works hard to secure the votes from the AU to put forward candidates of their choice (mostly Chinese Nationals) to seek top offices in major organizations under the control of the United Nations. It is plausible that Tedros was put into WHO under the assistance of China to further its hidden agendas in 2017.

显然,中国在谭德塞身上没有白使劲。 没想到的是,当谭德塞与北京几乎一个鼻孔出气时,其他人不干了。 谭德塞和世界卫生组织的未来前景不佳!美国已经对世界卫生组织断供资金,许多国家正在计划组建另一个卫生组织,放弃世界卫生组织。

It would appear that China has made a good investment in Tedros. What it does not expect is the backlash that comes with it when Tedros follows the script and words of the regime too closely. The future of Tedros and that of WHO are not looking well – the United States have cut off its funding to WHO and many countries are plotting to form another health organization, abandoning WHO.

谭德塞想改变自己的官僚形象已经晚了。 他在国际舞台上作为北京喉舌的角色如今已深深地印入人们的脑海中。

It may be too late for Tedros to shred the image of a biased bureaucrat. His role as China's parrot on the international stage is now well entrenched.




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