

Is YouTube accidentally Censoring Comments Discussing Wu Mao?
来源: Bob Mok


There are two pieces of software that I will never use – ZOOM and WeChat . In the case of ZOOM, it is a piece of video conferencing software inundated with security issues. Details discussed in my earlier article can be found here: http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/668776 .


欧洲媒体:中国一旦强大 全球都不会好过
一掷万亿 中国致力与美国科技一争高低



As for WeChat, we all know about communications conducted entirely among non-China-registered accounts are subject to pervasive content surveillance that was previously thought to be exclusively reserved for China-registered accounts. I will write on this at a later date.


It is obvious that I hate and despise censorship and invasion of privacy of any kind. Right now, I am seeing scattered reports of censorship within Facebook and so I may have to make some difficult choices soon. Just when I think this is looked after, I now receive information on yet another piece of software accused on censorship on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The surprise candidate here is “YouTube” but what are its motivations?


As it turns out, YouTube has been automatically deleting comments that contain certain Chinese-language phrases related to criticism of the CCP as early as October 2019. When questioned, the company claimed that this was happening in error and that it is working to fix the problem. It blamed the cause of the error on its own enforcement system but did not provide an explanation as to why this came about and that it was not the result of any change in its moderation policy on users' comments.

“油管”会在大约15秒内自动删除包含“共匪”或“五毛”字样的评论。 “共匪”一词是当年国民党侮辱中共的称号,而“五毛”是贬义性的术语,泛指那些每在互联网上发给中共涂脂抹粉的帖子时会拿到5毛钱的人民币的人。此功能仅适用于汉字,不适用于其英文翻译或拼音。有传言称因为通货膨胀,五毛们现在每发一贴可拿八毛人民币。

Comments that contain the words “共匪” (“communist bandit”) or “五毛” (“50-cent party”) are automatically deleted by YouTube in around 15 seconds. The term “共匪” is an insult that dates back to China’s Nationalist government, while “五毛,” (or “Wu Mao”) is a derogatory slang term for internet users paid 50 Chinese cents per post to direct online discussion away from criticism of the CCP. This removal is only applicable to Chinese characters and not their English Translation or Pinyin equivalents. Of course, it is rumoured the “Wu Mao” gang recently got a raise due to inflation and they are now “ba mao” (eighty cents).

对这些敏感词过滤的功能似乎是无意加进“油管”的评论过滤器中。该过滤器会自动删除垃圾贴和令人反感的文字。 “油管”表示,由于COVID-19疫情带来的人员变动,近几个月来它越来越依赖电脑自动过滤器。

These removed phrases seem to have been accidentally added to YouTube’s comment filters, which automatically remove spam and offensive text. YouTube says it’s been relying more on its automated filters in recent months due to changes to its workforce brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

当我们想知道为啥“油管”会帮中共忙时,我们必须看看“油管”本身的背景。 “油管”是美国视频共享平台,总部位于加利福尼亚州圣布鲁诺。 谷歌于2006年11月以16.5亿美元的价格收购了该网站。 “油管”现在是谷歌的子公司之一。过去,谷歌一直被批通过审查内容取悦中共。

When we want to look at motivations to assist the CCP, we must examine the background of YouTube itself. YouTube is an American online video-sharing platform headquartered in San Bruno, California. Google bought the site in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion; YouTube now operates as one of Google's subsidiaries. In the past, Google has been criticized for accommodating the wishes of the CCP by censoring content.


Longing to enter the Chinese market, Google created a prototype search engine known as Project Dragonfly in 2018 that complied with Chinese state censorship. After the existence of Dragonfly was exposed, Google was criticized by politicians and its own employees for selling out its principles. During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in June 2019, the company said it had “terminated” the project and that it had “no plans to launch Search in China.” Dragonfly was never deployed.


The accidental censorship by YouTube is even more puzzling considering that YouTube is currently blocked in China, giving its parent company, Google, even less reason to censor comments critical of the CCP or apply moderation systems in accordance with Chinese censorship laws.


After studying many of the Hong Kong Key Opinion Leader (KOL) commentaries on censorship and interference by YouTube on their anti-communist video clips, one gets the impression that YouTube Asian staff group may be infiltrated with Communist operatives or sympathizers. A simple “accidental” inclusion of these censored words into the comment filters will do the trick.

让我们看看“油管”是否可以发现这些“意外事故”的根本原因,并采取措施防止将来再次发生这些问题。自由世界不能容忍或鼓励内容审查。还是让中共继续对Tik Tok和微信进行内容审查吧!

Let us see if YouTube can discover the root cause for these “accidents” and take steps to prevent their recurrence in future. Censorship cannot be condoned or encouraged in the free world. Let Tik Tok and WeChat carry on with their censorship’s in that other parallel universe controlled by the CCP.




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