

WeChat monitors overseas users to refine censorship in China
来源: Bob Mok
This is the final article on the use of technology by WeChat to teach Artificial Intelligence to monitor and censor all communications on that platform. For the previous articles, please click http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/669504
In my previous article, we described technical experiments which reveal that WeChat communications that are conducted entirely among non-China-registered accounts are subject to content surveillance. These experiments proved that documents and images that were transmitted entirely among non-China-registered accounts were analyzed for Chinese political sensitivity. Upon analysis, files deemed politically sensitive were used to invisibly train and build up WeChat’s Chinese political censorship system.
Software technicians also conducted analysis of WeChat’s public-facing policy documents, made data access requests, and engaged with Tencent data protection representatives to assess whether those methods could also explain, or uncover, the content surveillance carried out towards international users’ communications. It was found that none of the information WeChat makes available to users explains the rationales for such surveillance or the transmission of content hashes from WeChat International to WeChat China.
Tencent staff were initially quick to respond to questions using an automated data-export tool associated with WeChat’s commitment to facilitate access, modification, and removal of international users’ content. The same staff were unwilling to provide any assistance or information on more specific data access request questions. The requests were never acknowledged, let alone responded to. This is contrary to common practices - Companies operating around the world staff their companies with privacy and data protection professionals to, in part, ensure that questions about companies’ policies can be addressed.

Tencent has not only failed to explain to its international users how their communications content is being used to facilitate the censorship apparatus that is applied to China-registered WeChat accounts, but the company has also failed to explain, or clarify, whether international users’ communications content are subject to surveillance that is not associated with the censorship of content that is deemed sensitive in China. Users of WeChat are not provided sufficient transparency into how their data is used to understand whether and how their data enables political censorship in other jurisdictions (China).
The experiments cannot ascertain whether there is surveillance of chat message text sent entirely among non-China-registered accounts. WeChat automatically censors chat message contents from or to China-registered accounts if they contain a blacklisted keyword combination, but it is currently an open question as to how WeChat generates or maintains these keyword combination blacklists. These keyword blacklists may be generated from users’ communications similarly to how the hashes of users’ images and documents populate WeChat’s censorship hash index. Further research is required to explore if these keyword blacklists are built up from chat text sent among non-China-registered users in the same way as these users’ communications contribute to the document and image hash index.

The research experiment only focused on one platform, Tencent’s WeChat, and found that Tencent uses non-China-registered users’ communications to build up its censorship system. Future work is required to understand if this behaviour is unique to Tencent or if it is common for internationally operating Chinese social media companies to use communications among their non-Chinese users to implement Chinese political censorship.
Many researchers suggest that evading censorship on WeChat in China can be simpler than you might think:
There are published papers on some of the straightforward ways in which Chinese citizens get around censorship on the country’s most popular social network.

The first tip is that text is relatively easy for the platform to scan for censored words. Images are more difficult to for computers to read, making it easier for banned images to slip through filters on WeChat.
Another research paper showed that WeChat seemed to use a relatively crude comparison between banned images and content uploaded to the site in order to decide what to block. There are ways in which users modified sensitive images to make them harder to catch, including blurring, rotating, adding borders, or combining multiple smaller images into one file.
At this time, USA is proceeding with banning WeChat from their country claiming that it poses a national security risk to that nation. Will Canada, as one of the “5 eyes countries” be far behind?





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