

Chinese nationalism can quickly soar into popularity, but it can harm national interest
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
From the persecution against the Uyghur community and the crackdown on Hong Kong democracy to the global hacking spree and assertive diplomacy on the neighboring countries, Beijing's behavior has increasingly undermined democracy and imposed a growing threat to the international community. Amid a global outcry, China has suffered a deterioration of foreign relations, facing a torrent of criticisms from the US and its allies. But despite the international backlash, Beijing's aggressive foreign policy has gained widespread support from its citizens as waves of ethnic nationalism sweep through the country.
傲慢和受害者心态是这种民族主义浪潮的始作俑者。几个世纪以来,中国老百姓饱经西方和日本帝国主义侵略的创伤,一直被软弱,落后于国外侵略者的自卑心理所折磨。中国人民为了摆脱历史屈辱鼓足干劲而力争建立一个繁荣的现代化强国。在强烈的民族心理驱使下,他们为实现中国的经济繁荣做出惊人的努力,使全国GDP增长创造了一个又一个举世瞩目的奇迹。随着中国成长为今天的世界经济,军事化强国,民族屈辱心理逐渐消失,代之以傲慢的自大之心态。受这种所谓的民族自豪感 驱使,一股狭隘的爱国主义和民族浪潮风起云涌。
Pride and a victim mentality are at the heart of this nationalism. Chinese people have been traumatized by the invasion of Western and Japanese imperialism for centuries, licking the wounds inflicted by their self-perceived weakness and inferiority to the foreign forces.  Driven by a strong desire to recuperate from historical shame and an ambition to build China into a modernized and prosperous nation, Chinese people have made remarkable efforts to achieve economic prosperity, bringing miracles of GDP growth that have stunned the world. As China turned into today's economic and military superpower, the feeling of humiliation fades away while a sense of pride emerged – stoking waves of patriotism and nationalism.


But pride and insecurity go hand in hand. The fear of falling backward has driven the nation's desire for continued rising and supremacy. The CCP has tapped into the insecure nationalism wave to legitimate its rule, calling the country for an "unstoppable" pursuit of national rejuvenation and global hegemony. The desire to fulfill the China Dream has reached a new high as CCP's propaganda machine runs into full throttle.  Behind the slogan of China's rise are Beijing’s relentless quest for the global dominance and the superpower status. 
在寻求国际霸主地位的过程中,中国政府愈加采取极端政策。它对外压制台湾并欲夺南海主权,打击香港民主并为壮大科技力量而窃取国外技术产权。它对内打压异见人士并对维族人士进行种族灭绝,不惜一切手段巩固其政权和统治。通过扼杀自由言论并禁锢国外社交媒体,以及通过赤裸裸的虚假宣传战,北京政府展开攻势以树立正面形象,同时将美国斥为全球敌对势力。 被洗脑的市民们沸腾了,他们挥臂跺脚,欢呼雀跃,响应党和国家号召的口号声不绝于口,与党同心同德的标语铺天盖地。
In seeking rapid global ascent, Beijing has resorted to a series of more brazen tactics. It attacks Taiwan and disputes territorial sovereignty in the South China Sea. It has tightened its grip on Hong Kong and stolen foreign intellectual property for its technology gain. Domestically, it silenced the opponents' voices and carried out genocide against the Uyghur race to strengthen its authority.  By killing free speech and banning social media and through an outright disinformation campaign, Beijing put a positive spin on its actions to bolster its image while portraying the US as the enemy of the world. Brainwashed citizens reacted enthusiastically, waving their arms and stomping their feet while chanting nationalism slogans that toe the party lines.

中国狂热的民族主义浪潮反过来刺激北京政府采取更为强硬外交政策,使中共在歧途上越走越远。习近平最近在纪念中共成立100周年的讲话中将党称为中国的救世主,并提出继续挑战台湾和南海领域,与美国势不两立的主张。北京的外交行径使其国际形象大跌并使中国进一步孤立。根据皮尤研究中心最近的一项民意调查,包括加拿大在内的 17 个发达经济体对中国的不满达到历史新高,并普遍表示日后将与美国,而不是中国建立更密切的经济联系。
In turn, China's inflamed nationalism has fueled Beijing's hawkish diplomacy and pushed CCP to go down the wrong path further. In his recent speech commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CCP, Xi cast the party as the country's savior, suggesting the continued tension with the US and its threats to Taiwan and the South China Sea. Beijing's aggressive diplomatic strategies have isolated China as its global image takes a tumble. According to a recent poll by Pew Research Center, unfavorable views of China have reached historical highs in 17 advanced economies -- including Canada, with a widespread preference for closer economic ties with the US rather than China.
Touting national dignity and greatness can end in tragedy, plunging China into international political peril.  Nationalism can quickly soar into popularity, but it can cause severe harm to the national interest.





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