
董晗鵬力推温金友头像上5元现钞! 为何我没兴趣?(观点 中英对照)

Opinion: Why did I not sign the petition calling for the selection of a Chinese Canadian on a $5 bill?
来源: 大中资讯 南茜(Nancy Jin)
在加拿大银行公布了5 元钞票的头像候选名单之后,一项大力推举曾为反华裔歧视和争取华裔权利做出贡献的加国华裔人士温金友( Won Alexander Cumyou)先生 的请愿活动在华社轰轰烈烈地展开。 当古北区的国会议员董晗鵬先生(Han Dong)是该请愿活动的发起人,他呼吁华社踊跃签名,支持温先生当选。 董议员表示,在加拿大反华裔种族主义日益猖獗的今天,将温先生的头像印在加拿大钞票上将对抗击加国华裔面临的种族歧视具有重要意义。 但是,尽管请愿活动获得了社区组织和团体了鼎立支持,我还是决定不在请愿书上签字。

多伦多暑期娱乐和夏令营回归 6月7日起接受报名

A petition for Mr. Won Alexander Cumyou, a Chinese Canadian who had fought for discrimination and the rights of Chinese people, to be the next face of the $5 bill gained momentum after the Bank of Canada unveiled the shortlisted nominees under consideration. Han Dong, the MP for DVN, initiated the petition, calling for signatures from the Chinese community to support Mr. Won to be selected. Having Mr. Won’s image emblazoned on a Canadian banknote will have a significant meaning in combating racism and discrimination against Chinese Canadians amid the growing anti-Chinese racism in Canada, said Dong. But despite the overwhelming support for the petition from the community organizations, I’ve decided not to participate.

自大流行以来,华人社区面临着种族歧视现象不断上升,这表明加拿大历史上遗留的种族主义仍然困扰着我们这些华裔移民。但加拿大的系统性种族歧视是一普遍存在的现象,而加国的各族裔群体都为其攻击的对象和目标。的确, 早期的华裔移民经历了人头税、被剥夺了公民权和劳工虐待等不公平待遇,但加拿大的土著居民不论在历史和当今年代都遭到了更为严重的种族歧视和虐待。加国政府曾对数代土著居民施行暴力和压迫,而最近挖掘的万人坑更是对土著儿童所施行的文化种族灭绝的最佳明证。此外,与非原住民相比,今天的原住居民经受着更为严重的种族歧视性创伤,在所有族裔中,因被错判而面临刑事指控或在狱中服刑的原著居民的比例为最高。

Since the pandemic, the Chinese community has faced a surge of racial discrimination, indicating that the Canadian legacy of racism still haunts us, the Chinese immigrants. But systemic racism in Canada is widespread, putting all racialized groups in the crosshairs. While our ancestors faced head tax, disenfranchisement, and labor abuse, the indigenous people in Canada have suffered a more severe form of racism in both historical and current contexts. The state perpetrated generations of oppression and violence against the aboriginal people, carrying out a cultural genocide against indigenous children, as evidenced by the recently discovered mass graves. Moreover, the Indigenous people feel more acute racism today than non-aboriginals, facing the highest odds among all races of being criminally charged or serving a prison sentence for the crimes they have not committed.

时势造英雄。根深蒂固的种族不公引起强烈被压迫的族裔人士的反抗,造就了为弱势和受压迫者倡导平等权益的民权领袖。虽然温先生曾为遭歧视的华裔人士伸张民主权利,但包括从艺术家和作家到民选酋长和一战英雄在内的几位原住社区候选人在寻求种族平等和正义方面表现出更为卓越的领导能力。佩格马加博( Pegahmagabow)先生 因其在第一次世界大战期间的英勇功绩而赢得了在安大略乔治亚湾附近的一尊雕像,这位战后被选为其参与组建的土著政府最高酋长的社区领袖将其战斗中的勇敢作风带到民权运动中,将其余生奉献于抵制对土著居民的不公和为其倡导民主权利。弗雷德里克·洛夫特(Frederick Loft)也是一名一战勇士,并被公认为上个世纪最有影响力的土著民权活动家之一。与2018 年荣选 10 元加币头像的黑人女性维奥拉·德斯蒙德(Viola Desmond)一样,这些作为原住社区领袖的新加币候选人为加拿大创造了一份意义深远的宝贵遗产,其作用远远超过为某一族裔群体争取权益,而是在激发了所有加国族裔人士踏上为种族歧视而奋斗的旅程。

The deep-rooted racial injustice sparked resistance, creating iconic leaders advocating for the equal rights of the disadvantaged and oppressed. While Mr. Won was a voice for the disenfranchised Chinese people,   shortlisted aboriginal nominees -- from artist and writer to band chief and First World War hero demonstrated a superior leadership in seeking racial equality and justice. Pegahmagabow, who earned a statue near Ontario Georgian Bay for his heroic accomplishment during WWI, brought his warrior spirit to his civil rights activism. He rose to be Supreme Chief of the Native Independent Government he helped to form, devoting his life after the war to resisting injustice and fighting fiercely for the rights of Indigenous people. Frederick Loft also fought in the First World War and is recognized as one of the most influential Indigenous activists of the last century. Like Viola Desmond, the black woman selected on the 10-dollar bill in 2018, the aboriginal nominees have created a legacy beyond protecting the well-being of certain racialized groups, which has inspired all ethnic minorities to embark on the journey of ending racism.

鲜为人知的是,历史上面临极端歧视的早期的中国铁路工人与原住民面结下了深厚的友谊。 200多年前,原住民向中国移民工人提供了温暖的关怀、友谊和款待,护理伤员恢复健康,为无家可归者提供住所。 这种友谊一直持续到现代。原住民在 2016 年提议了三个为华人社区带来历史意义的建纪念遗址,充分证明了今天的土著民族为维护我们祖先所建立的宝贵友谊所做的努力。

It is less well-known that the early Chinese railway workers and the First Nation people forged close ties in the face of extreme discrimination back in history. The First Nation people provided warm care, friendship, and hospitality to Chinese migrant workers 200 years ago, nursing the injured back to health and sheltering the homeless. The friendship has lasted until modern times as the First Nation nominated three of the proposed memorial sites in 2016 that have brought historical importance to the Chinese community. It was a testament to the First Nation peoples’ efforts to maintain the beautiful heritage built by our ancestors.  

将一位著名的加拿大原住民形象印在5元加币上将提醒人们不要忘记加国历史上曾对包括华人在内的族裔群体犯下的历史错误和给他们带来的沉痛创伤。 决定不在推举华裔为新钞形象的请愿书上签字,我想表达我对原住民领袖为争取族裔平等所做的杰出努力的钦佩,对原住民所遭受虐待的感触和悲伤,以及在加拿大多元文化社会中拥抱族裔多样性的渴望。

The image of one of the prominent aboriginal Canadians on the $5 bill will serve as a powerful reminder of the historical wrongs and most profound trauma the state inflicted upon all the racial minorities in the past– including Chinese people. By opting not to sign the petition calling for Mr. Won’s selection, I want to  show my sorrow for the abuse the aboriginals suffered. I also want to express my admiration for the aboriginal leaders’ outstanding efforts in fighting for equal racial rights and convey my desire to embrace ethnic diversity in Canada’s multicultural society.




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