
无能、无礼、无度:自由党政府外包合同丑闻之背后(观点 中英对照)

Opinion: High-profile scandals put Liberals' outsourcing practice under scrutiny
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
渥太华一直面临着过分使用外包咨询公司提供的服务之批评,为此其曾保证将尽量开发内部资源而减少签署价格昂贵的外包合同。但事实上,联邦政府为贪图便利仍将大量政府项目合同高价拱手赠与私人咨询公司 ,理由是政府各部门都出现严重的技能短缺。自自由党上台以来,渥京在高价外包顾问上的支出趋势只增不减,在 2020 至 2021 财年达到了惊人的 $118 亿元。大量外包合同的泛滥是丑闻滋生的温床,而近期最令人注目的丑闻非两人皮包公司GC Strategy和道德沦丧之咨询公司麦肯锡莫属。


Amid criticisms of overusing external consultants, Ottawa promised to reduce outsourcing contracts that cost much more than in-house expertise. However, Ottawa has continued to rely on a quick-fix strategy rather than tap into the availability of civil services, citing skill shortages across the government departments. Ottawa's spending trend on high-priced consultants has only accelerated since the Liberals took power, fetching a stunning $11.8 billion in 2020 to 2021 fiscal year. The Liberal government's obsession with contracting out has created high-profile controversies involving two private companies – a two-person staffing company, "GC Strategy," and a morally tainted global consulting firm, McKinsey & Co.  

渥太华将ArriveCan应用软件的开发交予GC Strategy,其初期合同价值 为$80,000 元,但很快该合同就增值到 $5400 万元。 GC Strategies 是该应用程序中收费最高的承包商,但该公司却不能提供渥京政府所称其迫切需要的 IT 开发技能,而其项目角色仅是将项目分包给六家包括 BDO 等跨国公司和组织科技外包团队,并因此而收取高额佣金。

Ottawa negotiated an $80,000 contract with GC Strategy to develop ArriveCan, which soon escalated to $54 million. GC Strategies, the highest billing contractor for the app, lacks the skills and expertise to fill the IT demand Ottawa cried for. Instead, the company has charged significant commissions by subcontracting the projects to six different companies -- – including multinationals such as BDO and a team of IT consultants.

这家成立于 2015 年的人事公司没有办公室。 虽然没有应用程序开发方面的核心专业技能,但该公司却在“如何绕过雷区从而顺利获得政府合同”方面具有相当优势,为此该公司在接受渥京合同中大捞一笔,让两位创始人赚的盆满体满。 GC Strategy 在两年的 IT 合同中从联邦政府获得了 $4400 万元合同支出,以每名工人每天$1000 至$ 1500 元的费率向政府收费,并将$900 万元的佣金揣入囊中。

The two-person staffing company, founded in 2015, does not have an office. While lacking hardcore expertise in app development, the company has leveraged its “competitive edge in navigating the government procurement minefields," raking in bonanza that padded the two founders' pockets with lucrative cash. GC Strategy received $44 million from the federal government over the two years in IT contracts, billing the government at a rate of $1000-$1500 per day per worker while keeping a commission of $ 9 million.

渥太华不仅向一家不从事实际 IT 开发工作的公司支付数百万元的 IT 合同,而且还与一家深陷丑闻的国际咨询公司签订外包合同。麦肯锡公司据控推行激进促销策略提高阿片类药物的销售, 为美国阿片类药物成瘾危机推波助澜,导致数以百万计的老百姓死亡和生活被毁。 在面临来自美国地方政府和地区教育局的大量诉讼后,麦肯锡同意在 2021 年以近 6 亿美元达成和解。麦肯锡还因税务欺诈指控而受到法国金融检察官的调查,并于近期在南非被指控与腐败丑闻有染。

Ottawa not only pays out several million on IT contracts to a company that does not do actual IT development work, but it also awards outsourcing contracts with a consulting firm plagued by several high-profile controversies. McKinsey & Co. allegedly pushed aggressive tactics to boost Opioid sales, fueling an epidemic of Opioid addiction in the US that has caused millions of broken lives and deaths. After facing a flood of litigations from US local governments and school districts, McKinsey agreed to a settlement in 2021 for nearly US$600 million.  McKinsey is also being investigated by France’s financial prosecutor over tax fraud allegations and was recently charged in South Africa for its role in an alleged corruption scandal.

然而,渥太华继续向这家卷入道德丑闻的公司授予外包合同。 即使加拿大不断加剧的阿片类药物危机也不会让渥京却步。 自 2015 年以来,联邦政府授予该公司 1.168 亿元的咨询合同,联邦合同占麦肯锡 2016 年至 2022 年加拿大收入的 10%。自由党还在 2020 年授予麦肯锡 初期490 万元,后激增至2770 万元的合同,以求改进问题缠身的 Phoenix 系统。 除了自由党与该公司签订的巨额合同外,特鲁多还在2020年任命了麦肯锡的管理合伙人,在普渡医药公司的阿片药剂推广工作中扮演了不光彩角色的巴顿先生为加拿大驻北京特使。

However, Ottawa has continued to award contracts to the company embroiled in unethical consulting scandals. Even an escalating Opioid crisis in Canada wouldn't make it budge. The federal government’s contract value to the company reached $116.8 million since 2015, and accounted for up to 10 percent of McKinsey’s Canada revenue between 2016 and 2022. The Liberals also awarded McKinsey a $4.9 million contract in 2020 to help improve the problem-plagued Phoenix system, which ballooned to $27.7 million. Apart from the Liberals' massive contract to the company, Trudeau also appointed Mr. Barton—McKinsey's managing partner who played a role in the promotional work for Purdue -- Canada's envoy to Beijing in 2020.

渥太华为了替其外包合同辩护称其对纳税人资金进行了有效管理,并在签署合同过程之前进行了尽职调查。 然而,将合同授予没有所需专业技能或道德败坏且其行为有损加拿大人利益之公司的行为则使其辩护苍白无力,不仅暴露了自由党在管理政府资金方面的无能,疏忽和无度,还将其对纳税人钱财的傲慢无礼之态度暴露无遗。

Ottawa defended its outsourcing approach by claiming it exercised due diligence and effective stewardship of public funds. However, awarding contracts to companies without the required skills and expertise or with dismal ethical records that harmed Canadians' interests proves to be anything but. It has further exposed the Liberals' incompetence and negligence in managing the public coffer and its cavalier attitude toward taxpayers' money.




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