

Opinion: Fox News Controversy shakes me to my core
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)


Hailing from an authoritarian regime where propaganda dominates media platforms, I found fact-based journalism an incredible eye-opener, impressed by Western journalism's noble goal to pursue the truth and its commitment to bringing the most reliable, accurate information to the audiences. At a time when human vulnerability renders them susceptible to fake news and misinformation, I am part of a small segment of society willing to pay a premium for reliable information from established news sources. The recent Fox News controversy, where a top global media outlet knowingly spread lies to boost its ratings, has shaken me to core.

Studies in sociology and psychology show human beings are prone to wild ideas and conspiracy, having a bias in sharing negative over positive and surprising over unsurprising stories. Humans also tend to reject dissenting views and are likely to embrace information or opinions that reflect and reinforce their existing beliefs. Technology is the most powerful and efficient tool allowing like-minded people to share and repeat lies as conspiracies and fake content flood social media echo chambers.
居心叵测者利用科技便利以索取权力、金钱和成功,使阴谋论者在网上蓬勃发展,大发横财。 多年来,著名的阴谋论者亚历克斯·琼斯 (Alex Jones) 通过他的网络广播脱口秀节目散布极为荒诞谎言,声称造成 28 人丧生的桑迪胡克枪击案是一场由政府指派的”危机演员”策划的阴谋。 社交媒体以人工技能为帮凶将他的疯狂论点和谎言在那些对阴谋论津津乐道,且拒绝真实信息的人们中广为传播。吸引了数百万追随者的琼斯在线 Infowars 商店曾在三年内创造了超过 1.65 亿美元的收入。

Bad actors exploited technology to pursue power, money, and success as conspiracy theorists thrive online, raking in a bonanza. Through his Internet radio talk shows, Alex Jones, a prominent conspiracy theorist, had spread outlandish and disturbing lies for years that the Sandy Hook shooting that claimed 28 lives was a hoax and staged by the government and crisis actors. Social media technology, abetted by AI, helped disseminate his lies among a group of people who constantly immersed themselves in ridiculous plots and who rejected scientific evidence and journalism reporting. Appealing to millions of followers, Mr. Jone's online Infowars store generated over $165 million in revenue in three years.
亚历克斯·琼斯 (Alex Jones) 所采用的这种从虚假信息热衷者身上牟利的商业模式备受新闻业和传统媒体的鄙夷。但随着网络技术将假新闻狂热者规模推向新高,置身于眼球和点击量的抢夺战中一些传统新闻媒体已经失去了灵魂,置那些尊重事实和真理的观众利益于不顾,彻底辜负了他们的信任。 福克斯新闻的老板和新闻大腕们在法庭上承认,尽管明知川普有关2020年选举舞弊说辞不实,但他们却有意迎合,故意撒谎,蛊惑听众。 其说谎的动机更为邪恶惊人,非哗众取宠莫属。 福克斯新闻的高层人士曾私下激愤地抱怨说,公布真相会把观众赶到竞争对手一方,从而损害福克斯的名声和利益。

Alex Jones-embraced business model that preyed on disinformation believers for profit would be deplorable for journalism and conventional media. But as technology drives fake news zealots to a massive scale and amid aggressive competition for eyeballs and clicks, some traditional news media has lost its soul and betrayed the trust of the reality-based community. Bosses and stars of Fox News admitted in court that the network had echoed Trump's lie about the rigged 2020 election, even though they had known the claim was false. The motives to lie were even more sinister and shocking. Fox News’ top personalities had lividly complained internally that telling their viewers the truth would drive their audiences to the competitor, hurting their brand.
今天的新闻生态系统正处于危险之中。 随着网络空间中信息的爆炸式增长,虚假内容和阴谋论层出不穷。 但在这个虚假信息盛行的网络时代,尊重事实,敢于揭露真相的传统媒体一直是我的最信赖的信息港湾,为我提供着最可信和可靠的信息。 但是,将互联网上的边缘阴谋论推向主流的福克斯丑闻给像我这样的观众带来了极大冲击。在具有新闻敬业精神的传统媒体越来越失去立足点的当今乱局面前,那些关心真相,不甘被谎言蒙骗的人士极度困惑,深感担忧。

The news ecosystem is at risk. False content and conspiracy have flourished online as information explodes in digital space. But in this technology age and facing the headwinds of disinformation, I always found refuge in traditional media outlets, which I trusted the most and would fall back on for the most credible and reliable information. But taking fringe conspiracy theories on the internet to the mainstream, the Fox News controversy has had devastating impacts on many viewers like me. Those who care about truth are terrified as journalism and the traditional media landscape increasingly loses their ground, becoming more hazardous and chaotic.




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