

Opinion (Chinese-English) Toronto’s Middle-Class Homeowners Deserve Support, Not Exploitation
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)


Olivia Chow’s second property tax hike since taking office has sparked debate. The 2024 budget allocates part of the 9.5% increase to fund school meals for 220,000 students, while the 2025 budget proposes a 6.9% hike to expand the program to 8,000 more. Though well-intentioned, the plan raises concerns about its fairness to overburdened middle-class homeowners already facing declining home values, rising living costs, and higher mortgage rates.


The timing of this decision could not be worse for homeowners. Since 2022, Toronto’s real estate market has experienced a decline, leaving many homeowners with reduced property values. Meanwhile, the cost of living has skyrocketed, driven by inflation and higher mortgage rates. For many families, this means that their financial cushion has worn thin, and they are now facing unprecedented economic pressures. Furthermore, tariffs imposed by Donald Trump’s administration have increased costs for imported goods from the US, adding financial pressure to already strained middle-class households. Ontario Premier Doug Ford warns Trump's tariff could cost Ontario 500,000 jobs.


Rather than providing relief to these struggling families, the city has opted to squeeze them further. This approach fails to recognize the vital role these homeowners play in supporting Toronto’s broader community. Many of them are housing newcomers, including refugees who would otherwise face homelessness. Toronto’s housing crisis has already placed enormous pressure on shelters and public services. Without the generosity and resilience of middle-class homeowners, the city would be ill-equipped to handle the influx of newcomers seeking a safe and stable place to live.


Instead of imposing additional burdens, the city should seek alternative ways to fund school meal programs, such as reallocating existing resources or exploring partnerships with private donors and community organizations. At the same time, it’s worth questioning whether the proposed school meal programs truly address the root causes of food insecurity. Many families struggling to afford meals might benefit more from promoting prudent family budgeting. In the late 1980s, when my husband arrived in Canada as a newcomer, he lived frugally, spending only $80 a month on food while still eating well. A simple breakfast of eggs, rice porridge, and cucumbers provided essential nutrients at minimal cost. Even with today’s higher grocery prices, careful budgeting can still ensure balanced, nutritious meals without the need for large-scale new funding programs.


Toronto’s middle-class homeowners deserve recognition for their contributions, not policies that treat them as an endless source of revenue. They are the backbone of our city, helping to provide stability and opportunity for everyone, including the most vulnerable. What Toronto needs now is not policies that exacerbate the financial strain on the middle class but initiatives that support and empower them. This could involve freezing or reducing property taxes and providing targeted subsidies for those who house refugees. Now is the time to support them, not exploit them, as they navigate an increasingly challenging economic landscape.




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