

Be a sophisticated claimant
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

In July 2014, Li couple and their adult daughter, who suffers from a mental illness, visited a charity casino to play the slots. Seeing a man at a nearby machine was leaving, Li quickly approached the machine and tried to take the machine.

但是李迟了一步,因为坐在那台机器旁的白人女子丽莎已经抢先将一张$20元的钞票塞进机器。看到李上前后,丽莎极力阻止,但是李却对这台机器有志在必得之势 ,她推开对方阻拦的手臂,占住了座位。

But Li was a bit late. Lisa, a Caucasian woman sitting beside the machine was one step earlier, and inserted $20 bill into it. Seeing Li coming, she was trying to claim the machine by blocking Li. However, Li was determined to claim the machine, brushing Lisa’s arm away and occupied the seat.


But the dispute continued as both women who spoke different languages -- were fighting over the machine through gestures. A security guard came over trying to resolve the conflict.  Soon after, a shift supervisor got involved. Concerned about Li’s aggressive behavior, the supervisor expelled her for 24 hours. Li left the casino, so did her husband and her daughter.


Li felt that she was treated unfairly by the casino. According to her, the Caucasian woman was taking two slot machines – violating the casino rule. So it would be Lisa that should be expelled, rather than her.


Li believes that she, an ethnic minority, became a victim of racial discrimination.  It was the white people – the security and the supervisor -- protecting another white woman, a Caucasian and taking advantage of a vulnerable Asian. She filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal alleging that the casino discriminated against her.


According to Li, the casino offered her $6000 as a mediation settlement based on the fact that her daughter, a disabled woman was forced to leave the casino. Was the settlement offer a gesture of apology, a subtle way that the casino to express that they’d acknowledged Li’s concerns?


 Li did not believe so. She refused the offer, arguing that it was her that was wronged by the casino, not her daughter. But her demand for direct compensation directly towards her was rejected.


In general, complaints of race discrimination have a lower success rate than complaints on other grounds. On average, complaints of race discrimination were more difficult to substantiate, and the respondent to the complaint is unlikely to admit that race played any part in the decision, leaving the judge unable to render a decision in favor of the applicant.


Even though it was highly unlikely Li would have any substantial evidence to make a case, the Tribunal decided to hear the case anyways. After a lengthy investigation and after numerous interviews, the tribunal ultimately dismissed Li’s claim in December.


According to the Tribunal’s decision, while in some sense what happened was unfair to Li, the case is not about whether the decision to expel Li was fair or not, but whether Li’s race or ethnicity played a role in the decision to expel her.  The judge found that, based on the supervisor’s explanation to her decision, there was no evidence that the decision was discriminatory.


Facing tribunal’s decision, Li is even more frustrated. She believes that the decision was ridiculous and extremely unfair.  “They were based on wrong facts, protecting Caucasians, rather than Asians,” she says. 


Unsatisfied, Li sought an investigation from the Ontario Ombudsman. But the Ombudsman rejected her escalated claim outright. Li’s frustration grew and she believes that the Canadian legal system had totally failed her.


But what Li doesn’t want to believe is that she lacks the knowledge and the skills to survive the legal system and to become a sophisticated claimant. In fact, Li is representative of many immigrants who turn their frustration against the system and continue to believe that they are the victims of Canada’s racial discrimination.


For all intents and purposes, Li may have been wronged at the casino that day. But Li’s personal testimony would not be sufficient in the Canadian legal system that is evidence based. Had she known that she had lacked evidence, she would have taken the $6000 mediation settlement, and would be a much happier claimant now. 


Being unfairly treated or discriminated against are commonly-heard complaints among the ethnic community litigants.  But lacking the legal knowledge and sophistication may leave them struggling in the Canadian legal system.



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