

Sticking to the facts: Best policy in filing complaint


Honesty is the best policy. By sticking to the facts in filing their complaints, the Huang couple has wriggled out of a fixed rate energy contract without incurring liquidated damages.


Early this year, Mrs. Huang signed a utility contract with a gas and electricity sales company. Huang complained that the contract was the result of unethical sales practices, of which she became a victim.


Mrs. Huang was a newcomer to Toronto, who speaks limited English. In March this year, while her husband was in China, a Mandarin speaking salesperson from an energy retailer knocked on her door. After learning that he was from a reputable energy company, Huang presented them with her gas bills. She was soon convinced by the salesperson that by signing up for a new gas plan, she would enjoy a great saving on energy costs.


But to her surprise, Mrs. Huang realized that the fixed rate gas contract she had signed resulted in a gas bill several times higher than the market price. When her husband found out, it was too late to cancel – they had missed the 10 day cooling off period.


But after the Huang couple demanded to cancel the contract, alleging that they were misled into signing, the company responded that their sales practice was entirely in compliance with the law, and that Huang couple was required to pay for the liquidated damages if the contract was cancelled.


The company also presented them with a record of the confirmation phone call, in which Mrs. Huang clearly answered “YES” to a question asking whether she agreed with the contract price she signed on. Prior to that, Huang also gave an affirmative answer to a question asking whether she felt comfortable with carrying out the conversation in English, the language she was struggling with.


Mrs. Huang raised her angry voice while explaining how she was allegedly misled into answering those questions.


According to Mrs. Huang, the unethical practice preyed on her kindness and limited English skills. To obtain her “YES” answers to the questions over the phone, the salesperson told her that the company wanted to get her opinion over the quality of the job performed by the salesperson, and that he would be grateful if she answered “YES” to all their questions.


Watching the salesperson trembling in the blistering cold, Huang felt she was obligated to follow his requests. She took over the phone, and answered “YES” to the questions, without understanding what she was being asked.


The couple didn’t realize their trouble until they were told that cancelling the contract would be at hefty price – they had to pay for the liquated damages totalling $1200.


After learning of the couple’s story, Chinese News helped them connect with the Ontario Energy Board, the government regulator of energy sales companies. The couple then filed a complaint with the OEB.


The energy retailer, after reviewing the complaint forwarded by the OEB, responded to the couple in an email. But the content of the email shocked the couple.


 You mention you are currently experiencing financial hardship.  If you are able to provide supporting documents regarding your claim, the contract can be cancelled without liquidated damages,” the company’s complaint specialist wrote.


The email caught Mr. Huang in bewilderment. Apparently, sending out the required document can have the contract cancelled immediately, which was what Huang desperately wanted. But Huang did not want to lie.


“I never mentioned my financial situation in filing the complaints.” Huang responded. “Neither am I experiencing any financial difficulties My arguments in the complaint are concerning the unethical sales practice of the salesperson in your company.”


If the request for financial documents is an honesty test for the Huang couple, they have passed the test.  


A few days later, the company informed the Huang couple that their contract has been cancelled, without any liquidated damages.


However cloudy the situation is, the truth will just come out,” said Huang. 








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