
加国最佳移民奖颁布 华裔获奖人数寥寥

Few Chinese Recipients at Top 25 Immigrants Award 

RBC最杰出加拿大移民奖日前向本年度的25位获奖者颁发奖牌,以表彰他们在当地社区取得的杰出成就。但是据Kevin Jia报道,加拿大最大的族裔社区之一,华裔社区的获奖人数却显不足。

RBC Top Canadian Immigrants award presented plaques to 25 immigrant Canadians this year, in recognition of their significant achievements in their local communities. However, as Kevin Jia reports, the Chinese community—one of the largest ethnic communities in Canada-- was significantly under-represented in the group of recipients.

《加拿大移民杂志》日前在多伦多One King West酒店的宴会厅举行颁奖典礼,宣布了本年度RBC最杰出25位加拿大移民奖的获奖名单。这一奖项于2009年设立,今年共收到逾600份提名表格。评审们从中挑选出75名入围者,然后由公众投票选出他们心目中最杰出的移民。

    In a packed ballroom at One King West Hotel, Canadian Immigrant magazine announced the RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrantsaward winners in Canada. The award held since 2009 has received over 600 nominations this year. A panel of judges then shortlists the award to 75, where the public then votes for their favorite immigrants.

在今年的获奖者中有企业家、慈善家和医生,他们都是公认的极具影响力的人物。其中包括在Dragon'.s Den节目中脱颖而出的风险投资家Arlene Dickinson,西安大略大学总裁兼校长Amit Chakma,以及联邦参议员Mobina Jaffer

   The winners this year, who were recognized for being influential Canadians, were business owners, philanthropists, and doctors. Amongst the winners were Arlene Dickinson—venture capitalist for Dragon’s Den, Amit Chakma—President and Vice-Chancellor of Western University, and Mobina Jaffer—a Canadian senator.

除了一些深受尊敬的成员,其他获此殊荣的移民也都为当地社区做出了杰出贡献。他们当中有为市中心儿童作出音乐贡献的刚果难民Gentil Misigaro,和致力于为加拿大老年移民提供安置服务的菲律宾移民Alberto Rodil

    Apart from highly esteemed members were immigrants that were recognized for their contributions to their local communities. Gentil Misigaro, a refugee from Democratic Republic of Congo, was recognized for his musical contributions to inner city children, and Alberto Rodil from Philippines was honored for helping immigrant seniors settle in Canada. 

RBC最杰出25位加拿大移民奖是由《加拿大移民杂志》编辑和前获奖者组成的评审团负责评审。据该奖组织协调者Sanjay Agnihotri称,该杂志的编辑委员会是由不同文化背景的成员组成,其中包括一名华裔编辑。

    The award is judged by a panel of editors and past winners from the magazine. According to award coordinator Sanjay Agnihotri, the editorial board, which includes a Chinese Canadian editor, has a membership with diverse cultural background.


    “We want to give a platform to showcase what immigrants can do,” says Agnihotri. “You hear about the big names, but sometimes you don’t hear about the others in the background and we want to be that platform.”

Agnihotri称,《加拿大移民杂志》更注重代表性不足的少数族裔社区。但是尽管该杂志强调多元化,今年的获奖者仍然是以中东和南亚获奖者为主。今年只有两名华裔荣获最杰出25位加拿大移民奖,他们分别是多伦多华语电台行政总监Julie Suen,和有望当选本拿比市议员的James Wang

    According to Agnihotri, the magazine gives greater weight to underrepresented ethnicities. Eventhough the magazine emphasizes diversity, the winner’s pool this year was predominantly Middle Eastern and South Asian. There were only two Chinese Canadian winners this year-- Julie Suen, CEO of Canadian Chinese Radio and James Wang, Burnaby city councilor hopeful.


    Yet, the few winners are unrepresentative of the Chinese Canadian community. The Chinese Canadian community is one of the largest ethnic communities in Canada, with over 500,000 in just Ontario alone. However, even in previous years, few Chinese Canadians have received the award.

参加颁奖典礼的RBC发言人Shan Yang表示:“每年都只有两三个(华裔)获奖者,我认为我们需要更多的加拿大华人媒体的支持,并在华裔社区进行大力宣传。”

    “Each year, I would say there are only two or three [Chinese-Canadian] winners,” says Shan Yang, spokesperson for RBC who was in attendance of the ceremony. “I believe we need more Chinese Canadian media to advocate for the award and promote it in the Chinese community.”

Shan Yang的说法得到华人媒体圈的杰出成员Julie Suen认可。Suen表示,她此前甚至从未听说过最杰出25位加拿大移民奖。而她对此奖项的了解是在她的一个朋友得到提名之后。

   Julie Suen, who’s a prolific member in the Chinese media circle, agrees with Shan Yang’s claims. Suen remembers that even she personally had never heard of the Top 25 Immigrant distinction prior to this year. It was only after she was nominated by a friend did she learn of the award. 


    But according to Agnihotri, the culprit behind the reason for the few Chinese-Canadian winners is far from clear cut. In reality,there are a lack of nominations from the Chinese community altogether. Even though Canadian Immigrant magazine attempts to endorse underrepresented communities, Agnihotri claims that the Chinese community does not receive any preferential treatment despite the low nominations.


    “We’ve had this [issue] posed to us in years past. There are very few nominations in general from the Chinese community, but we just can’t crack the nut,” explains Agnihotri. “We’ve been rigorous in advertising with the Chinese community and we send out press releases to all the big Chinese media houses, but that hasn’t changed [nomination numbers] overnight.” 


    However, Agnihotri quickly agreed that the Chinese Canadian community seems to be far less enthusiastic in nominating members from their own community. He indicated that an underlying factor could be that the Chinese community is more reserved compared to other immigrant communities.


    “Our Chinese Canadian winners are highly prolific individuals that the Chinese community can be proud of.  I thinkChinese Canadians need to be more confident in promoting within their own community,” explains Agnihotri.


    Agnihotri hopes that Canadian Immigrant Magazine’s continued efforts in recognizing immigrants will add validity towards the award. He hopes that in turn, the increased reputation will draw more nominations, particularly from the Chinese community, for the years ahead. 

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