

Chinese international students should embrace cultural differences by reaching out
来源: 大中报特约 Kevin Jia

许多财大气粗的中国父母有能力将子女送到海外就读大学,因此越来越多的中国学生到加拿大大学留学。但是在土生土长的加拿大大学生Kevin Jia看来,中国留学生难以融入本地社会,并且在很大程度上被认为缺乏社交能力,他们甚至连与说不同母语的同种族裔学生都很少交流。

A growing number of Chinese students study in Canadian universities as the deep pockets of their parents allow them to pursue college degrees abroad. But as Kevin Jia, a Canadian born university student observed, Chinese international students face challenges to integrate and are largely perceived as lacking social interaction – even with the students of their own ethnicity who speak a different native language.  



I recently had an interesting conversation with a Canadian parent of a York university student. In our 20-minute dialogue, he was disappointed that his son couldn’t make friends with the scores of international students at York, particularly those from China.



“My son says; Dad, they just won’t talk to me,” the parent said. “The classrooms of university are a lot different than when I was in school.”


As a university student in Canada, I am aware that the post-secondary demographic has drastically changed within the past few years. The lucrative market of foreign students is being exploited by every Canadian university. This year, international students have contributed $8 billion to Canada’s economy, most of which being tuition and housing. In just a decade, Canada has nearly doubled the amount of international student in university and colleges, from 136,000 in 2002 to more than 265,000 today.



The influx of international students has ultimately changed the social behavior of the Canadian universities. One student paints a grim picture of what Chinese international students are like – social isolation.


“They never speak English. They only hang around with other non-speaking English kids,” says one student.


As a Western University student, I have my personal view towards these Chinese international students. In study areas, they often carry brand names and sit in groups with their tablets and Apple gadgets. In cafeterias, they laugh amongst themselves, yelling in Mandarin. In class, they’re furiously scribbling down notes at the front of the class, never uttering a word or raising a hand. It’s a strange dichotomy that can only be witnessed firsthand—they’re attentive but simultaneously disengaged from the learning experience. On social media they continue their Mandarin assault, only posting in Chinese.


Of course there are outliers, such as one Shanghainese girl in my economics class that answers and knows the answer to every single question ever. And there was a Shenzhen boy who lived in my dormitory that only sings American songs with broken English, but those are few and far between.


Some Canadian students find their ‘non-English language’ behavior revolting. You come to Canada, why don’t you speak the damn language?


Only rarely do Chinese international students ever branch out from their Chinese social circles. The obvious reason is language deficiency. It’s nearly impossible for international students to enjoy living in a foreign country while lacking basic language skills to communicate with Canadians.


Don’t get me wrong. It may sound like Canadians, I included, only pick on Chinese students, but we don’t discriminate. In general, international students--Indians, Koreans, Japanese—all usually behave similarly so long as they barely speak English. But, in my experience, Chinese students are usually far more reserved and conservative.


A few days ago, I came across a Maclean’s article that caught my eye; the subject--how international students feel about Canada. Expecting fairly dismal results, I was stunned that 91% of foreign students were satisfied with studying in Canada and 96% even recommended studying in Canada.


Since I am able to speak Chinese, I occasionally converse with Chinese international students. I approach by speaking English, and then stun them by speaking Mandarin. “你会讲中文啊?!” It’s great fun.


I ask them, “What do you think of Canada? Do you like Canada?” The usual response: boring. The blue skies and crisp air of Canadian suburbia are a far cry from the bustling and crowded concrete jungles of urban China. I even recall my cousin saying: Jianada;hao shan, hao shui, hao wuliao (very clean air, very clean water, very damn boring)!



Deeply baffled by the survey results, I questioned if I had been prejudice in my perspective of international students. In my conversations with some Chinese students, had I incorrectly labelled an entire demographic?



Desperate for answers, I arrived at my own conclusion. International students are afraid to speak the truth with the surveyors. Think about it, if you were living in someone else’s house, would you ever comment on the décor?



For a lot of my friends, they’ve grown impatient with the social attitude of the international students. They are unhappy to be here yet they continue to marginalize Canada’s own domestic talent by getting into top Canadian schools.


 “I don’t think it is fair we have to compete with them,” said one friend. “You know, you were born here” as he pointed at me. “You should receive priority over international students and we got to worry about our own first. They don’t speak the language, and they don’t like being here. We should stop letting them come altogether.”


That very well may be, but it’s also important we don’t jump the gun here. If Canada wants to continue to be a leader in innovation, creation, and free thinking, we must attract international talent. It’s a catch-22; to stay at the top, we have to marginalize our own homegrown talent.


Just look at where the future of the Canadian workplace is headed. Canada will unquestionably continue to allow scores of foreign workers and immigrants to settle in Canada and as a result, top jobs are becoming heavily contested.



And besides, introducing a bit of competition for Canadian students might be a good thing, considering academic pressures are laughable in comparison to our European or Asian counterparts. Long story short, international students are vital to the future of Canada. But the question is, do the benefits of harboring them outweigh the costs? Your guess is as good as mine.



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