

All about Federal Election 2015
来源: Bob Mok
Bob Mok在他的竞选专题文章中介绍了每个主要党派的族裔背景。他的下一篇文章将关注安省族裔候选人之背景。
In his election column, Bob Mok introduces heritage candidates for each major party. His next column will focus on heritage candidates in Ontario. 
Please refer to an earlier article for this series of discussions -    http://096.ca/news/550866 , http://096.ca/news/558925 , and 
http://096.ca/news/566559 , http://096.ca/news/567397

Let us look at the distribution of “Heritage Candidates” in each Province/Territory based on information supplied by the three major federal parties on their web sites and published information. I have not examined the candidates from the “Fringe Parties” as the chances of their election successes will be very slim. 


From this research, it can be seen that demographics of each province dictate the number and origins of Heritage candidates. Major Heritage Candidate groups can also be identified as Indian/Pakistani/Tamil, Chinese, and Muslims.

Starting from the East coast:

大西洋省区 (新布仑威克省10个席位,纽芬兰及拉布拉多省7个席位,新斯科舍省11席,爱德华王子岛省4席。)

Atlantic Provinces (New Brunswick 10 seats, Newfoundland and Labrador 7 seats, Nova Scotia 11 seats, and PEI 4 seats):


There are no “Heritage candidates” as we defined it. These provinces do not have metropolises to attract and support a large population of visible minorities to produce suitable candidates. 


Quebec (77 seats):
No exactly a magnet for “Heritage Candidates” as well. The necessity to communicate effectively in French eliminates candidates originating from many countries except for those that were French colonies at one time. Between the three major parties, I counted only 4. This figure excluded incumbents and those born in Canada. 

Qais Hamidi (Brossard-Saint Lambert选区,阿富汗裔商人)
Mohammad Zamir (LaSalle-Emard-Verdun选区,巴基斯坦广播人员)

Qais Hamidi (Brossard-Saint Lambert – Afghanistan businessman)
Mohammad Zamir (LaSalle-Emard-Verdun - Pakistani Radio personnel)

Faycal El-Khoury (Laval 选区,黎巴嫩裔土木工程师)

Faycal El-Khoury (Laval - Lebanon Civil Engineer)

Nevertheless, there are some other Asian Candidates –


余昌涛(Jimmy Yu),Saint Laurent选区 ――1967年出生于中国广州,13岁来加拿大。这个选区是自由党最稳固的选区,现任议员Stephane Dion一度是自由党领袖。该选区自从联邦成立以来一直属于自由党。不要把保压在这个选区。
Jimmy Yu (Saint Laurent) – Born in Guangzhou (China) in 1967, he came to Canada when he was 13 years old. This is the strongest riding for the Liberals under the incumbent MP and one-time leader Stephane Dion and has been an exclusive Liberal riding since Confederation. Do not place your bets on this one.
Alexandre Dang (Hochelaga选区) - 今年八月,保守党把该选区本来的候选人Augustin Ali撤换,因为发现他去年在Facebook上贴了一张新民主党领袖Mulcair的照片。接替Ali的就是Alexandre。可是对于这位新的候选人,几乎找不到任何信息。他明显年纪很轻,很可能是在加拿大出生的。这个选区的现任NDP议员在上次大选拿到47%的选票;因此这位保守党候选人不太可能胜出。
Alexandre Dang (Hochelaga) – In August, the Conservatives have removed their candidate, Augustin Ali, after it was discovered that he posted a photo of Mulcair on Facebook last year and replaced him with Alexandre. There is practically no information available for this candidate. He is apparently a very young person and very likely born in Canada. This riding is held by a NDP incumbent who garnished 47% of votes last time; it is unlikely that this candidate will succeed.


刘舒云(Laurin Liu),Rivere-des-Mille-lles选区现任议员,卡尔加里出生,父母是香港移民。她在2011年当选国会议员时年龄20岁,是加拿大历史上最年轻的国会议员。她的连任应该不成问题。

Laurin Liu (incumbent Rivere-des-Mille-lles - Born in Calgary, parents from Hong Kong). Elected in 2011 as the youngest MP in Canada’s history at age 20, she should have no problem getting elected again.
Hoang Mai,Brossard- Saint-Lambert选区现任议员,蒙特利尔出生,父母为越南裔。2011年大选时这个选区竞争激烈,最后NDP得票37%,自由党34%。这次的自由党候选人曾经在2008-2011年做过该选区议员,并担任过魁北克自由党主席,所以这个选区的结果难以预料。

Hoang Mai (incumbent – Brossard-Saint-Lambert - Born in Montreal – Vietnamese parents). Voting for this riding was very close in 2011 with NDP at 37% with Liberals following at 34%. With a Liberal candidate who served as MP in 2008-2011 and past president of that party in Quebec, this will be a riding too close to call.

Anne Minh-Thu Quach,Salaberry-Suroit选区现任议员,魁北克出生,父母为越南裔。2011年大选时,这个选区的竞争也比较激烈,最后NDP得票44%,自由党34%。今年魁人党的候选人也非常有实力,曾经在2006-2022年担任过该选区议员,因此这个选区也难以预料结果。如果NDP能够把优势一直保持到投票那天,他们或许胜利的机会更大一点。

Anne Minh-Thu Quach (incumbent Salaberry-Suroit - Born in Quebec – Vietnamese parents). Voting for this riding was fairly close in 2011 with NDP at 44% with Liberals following at 34%. With a very strong Bloc Quebecois candidate who served as MP in 2006-2011 in the running, this will be another riding too close to call. If the NDP can maintain the popularity edge at election time, they may have a slightly better chance to win it.


The largest concentrations of “Heritage Candidates” are in Ontario and British Columbia. Next time, we will continue with Ontario and focus on those with an Asian or Chinese heritage. 



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