
大选专栏(十二): 当选的华裔议员们 

Election 2015: Meet the newly elected Chinese Canadian MPs
来源: Bob Mok
自由党在周一晚间上演惊人逆袭,在联邦大选中大获全胜。Bob Mok在他的竞选专栏中详细介绍了借自由党红色浪潮入围众议院的华裔议员们。
The Liberals made a stunning comeback and won a decisive victory on Monday night.  Bob Mok’s column sheds light on the Chinese Canadians who ride the Liberal tide to Parliament.
Please refer to an earlier article for this series of discussions -    http://096.ca/news/550866 , http://096.ca/news/558925 ,  http://096.ca/news/566559, http://096.ca/news/567397 , http://096.ca/news/567523, http://096.ca/news/567827, http://096.ca/news/569907, and http://096.ca/news/585933

The Federal Election 2015 is now over and Canadians have made up their minds. Good or bad, we are now stuck with our decisions. We have chosen a Majority Liberal Government over the next 4 years.

自由党(L) – 184
保守党  (C) – 99
新民主党 (N) – 44 
魁人政团 (BQ) – 10
绿党 (Green) – 1
This is the final tally on Monday evening – there may be adjustments over the next few days as some ridings are too close to project for winners with certainty:
Liberals (L) – 184
Conservatives  (C) – 99
NDP (N) – 44 
Bloc Quebecois (BQ) – 10
Green Party (Green) – 1

保守党  (C) – 97
新民主党 (N) – 85 
自由党(L) – 75
魁人政团 (BQ) – 1
绿党 (Green) – 1
难以预测席位 (TC) – 79

The original predictions last reported by me:
Conservatives  (C) – 97
NDP (N) – 85 
Liberals (L) – 75
Bloc Quebecois (BQ) – 1
Green Party (Green) – 1
Too close to call (TC) – 79


Were there any surprises? Sure! The NDP lost many seats to the Liberals particularly in the Province of Quebec. The Bloc Quebecois picked up quite a few seats (10). The collapse of NDP popularity allowed the Liberals to pick up seats in Quebec to enable it to exceed the minimum majority of 170.
As expected, Ontario provided many Liberal seats and many Conservative seats in rural areas gone down with very small margins. In Quebec, the NDP lost its traction and lost 2 of 3 incumbents of Asian/Chinese heritage. Anne Minh-Thu Quach (incumbent Salaberry-Suroit) barely saved her seat. The youngest MP Laurin Liu lost her seat by a small margin to a Liberal.


11 MP’s came off “Fringe Parties” – 10 for Bloc Quebecois and one from the Green Party. The resurgence of the Bloc was attributed to the “Niqab” controversy in Quebec by many when the NDP took a stance on acceptance of such garments.


Of all the Chinese candidates identified by me in the earlier articles, my predictions were correct on almost every one of these candidates. Only one disappointed me - Olivia Chow (NDP) lost very badly in the Liberal tide that washed over the GTA. She got less than half the votes for the elected Liberal candidate.


In this election, only a handful of Chinese Candidates got elected.


Here is a run-down of the Chinese candidates again:

In Ontario



Arnold Chan (incumbent Scarborough-Agincourt). He won as expected over Conservative rookie candidate Bin Chang without difficulties. 

陈圣源(Scarborough North选区)。由于自由党气势如虹而新民主党却人气下滑,陈圣源在选举之夜以明显优势轻松获胜。
Shaun Chen (Scarborough North) won handily with a good margin buoyed by the strong Liberal tide and corresponding shrinkage in NDP support on election night.
江邦固(Markham-Unionville选区)。该名新秀候选人以微弱差距败给保守党资深候选人Bob Saroya。

Jiang Bang Gu (Markham-Unionville). This rookie candidate lost in a close fight to Conservative veteran candidate Bob Saroya. 

谭耕(Don Valley North选区)。凭借出色的选民组织能力和强劲的自由党背景,谭耕在此次大选中战胜了实力有所下降的现任保守党议员 Joe Daniel。外界普遍认为他在提名战以及之后的大选中都成功组织并发动了华裔选民。

Gen Tan (Don Valley North). His organization skill for voters and the hot Liberal brand allowed him to win over a weakened Conservative incumbent Joe Daniel. He was deemed successful in organizing the Chinese population for his nomination and sequence election.



Bin Chang (Scarborough-Agincourt). This rookie candidate competed against incumbent Liberal MP Arnold Chan and managed to produce encouraging results under very unfavourable conditions.

庄文浩(Wellington-Halton Hills选区现任议员)。这一选区毫无悬念,庄文浩以明显优势赢得连任。
Michael Chong (incumbent Wellington-Halton Hills). No problem for Michael here and he won with a good margin.
刘雄赐(Windsor West 选区)。他的得票率排名第三,落后于新民主党候选人和自由党候选人。无需多言。

Henry Lau (Windsor West). He came third behind the NDP and the Liberal. Enough said.


Chungsen Leung (incumbent Willowdale).  Swept by the Liberal wave on election night, he lost his seat by a wide margin.


Andy Wang (Nepean). The popularity of the Liberals on election night just simply pushed him aside. The race was not even close.

邹至蕙(Spadina-Ford York选区)。她的选举结果令我始料未及。鉴于邹至蕙的竞选团队刚刚参加过去年的多伦多市长竞选,许多人预期她会在此次大选中获胜。这次败选或许也会终结邹至蕙的政治生涯。

Olivia Chow (Spadina-Ford York). This is the one prediction that got away from me. With a fresh crew that worked on the Mayoral election last year, Chow was expected to win. This may be the end of the political path for Olivia.

In British Columbia


寇鸿久(Vancouver Kingsway选区)。他惨败给现任新民主党议员Don Davies。

Steven Kuo (Vancouver Kingsway). Lost to incumbent NDP Don Davies by a huge margin.

黄国治(Vancouver East选区)。该选区一直被认为是新民主党最安全的选区,黄国治不出所料地败给新民主党候选人关慧贞,并且表现乏善可陈。

Edward Wong   (Vancouver East). He was up again the strongest NDP riding and lost to Jenny Kwan as predicted, with a very poor showing.

胡以钧(Richmond Centre选区)。该选区是此次大选中选战最激烈的选区之一。现任保守党议员黄陈小萍仅以数百票的微弱优势赢得该选区。

Lawrence Woo (Richmond Centre). This is one of the closest races in the country. Incumbent Conservative Alice Wong won this one by a few hundred votes only.


赵锦荣(Steveston-Richmond East选区)。由于该选区投票亦是跟随全国潮流,自由党候选人以微弱优势胜出。

Kenny Chiu (Steveston-Richmond East). The Liberal candidate won it with a small margin only as the voting went with the national trend.

黄陈小萍(Richmond Centre选区现任议员)。她以极其微弱的优势战胜自由党华裔候选人胡以钧赢得连任。

Alice Wong (Richmond Centre - Incumbent). She won the race with the smallest of margins against Liberal Chinese candidate Lawrence Woo.

杨萧慧仪(Vancouver South选区现任议员)她也未能逃脱自由党海啸的袭击,此外她的一些竞选言论引发诸多争议可能也对其竞选连任产生了负面影响。

Wai Young (Vancouver South-Incumbent). She was washed over by the Liberal Tsunami. Her election statements created controversies and that probably did not help either.

关慧贞(Vancouver East选区)。该选区一直被认为是新民主党最安全的选区,身为明星候选人的关慧贞轻松战胜自由党华裔候选人黄国治。

Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East). A Star candidate running in the strongest NDP riding again Liberal Chinese Candidate Edward Wong, she won it handily.

It is expected that one or more of the elected Chinese Liberals will be given some responsibilities and not left alone as back benchers. This is an exercise in “political correctness” – the Canadian way.



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