

Halal meat only may soon come to Canada
来源: Bob Mok
购买按照清真要求加工而成的清真肉制品会冒犯非穆斯林宗教信仰者。但据Bob Mok调查发现, 加国有越来越多屠宰场为节约成本而取消非清真肉制品生产线并在他们的清真产品上贴上普通肉制品标。 此举将会令许多不喜欢穆斯林食品的消费者遭误导而购买清真肉制品。
Buying Halal meat, which was produced through Halal practices, is offensive to non-Muslim religions. But as Bob Mok discovers, there is a growing trend in Canada that slaughterhouses, in order to save costs, remove non-halal production lines but label their halal products as conventional meat. As a result, consumers who dislike Muslim food would be misled into buying halal meat products.
不久前,我曾撰文介绍过“清真”肉制品及其认证体系。相关认证及评分体系对于生产可供穆斯林消费者食用的“许可” 肉制品至关重要。

Some time ago, I wrote about “Halal” meats and certification systems. This certification and marking system is necessary to produce “allowed” meats for Muslim consumers.


Little did I realise at that time that this will bring about a sea change for the meat production industry in Canada. Given that the Muslim population is but 3% (1 million) in Canada and 2.1% (6.6 million) in the USA, one cannot imagine the changes that will eventually come along.


As explained earlier, the slaughtering of cattle (cows, sheep, lamb) and poultry in a “Halal” method differs from that of the traditional methods used for decades in slaughter houses. Pigs are not allowed for Muslim diets.


There are three (3) elements involved in the “HALAL” determination process: the source, the cause of the animal' s death, and how it was processed.


1) The food supplier must use halal practices. Specifically, the slaughter must be performed by a Muslim, who must precede the slaughter of each animal by invoking the name of Allah, most commonly by saying "Tasmiyah" ("In the name of God") and then three times "Takbir” (God is the greatest). 


2) The animal must be slaughtered with a sharp knife by cutting the throat, windpipe and the blood vessels in the neck, causing the animal's death without cutting the spinal cord.

3) The blood from the veins must be drained.

屠宰要求的差异导致屠宰场改进生产线,并且必须安排穆斯林工人按照要求生产 “清真”肉制品。此外,相关肉制品还必须进行单独储存和包装,以进行清真认证。

These differences caused the production lines to be modified and Muslim workers will have to be scheduled to properly produce “Halal” meats. The meats will also have to be separately stored and packaged for Halal Certifications. 


At this moment, many factories will switch to Halal meats production for one day only each week. They price the “Halal” meats about 10% more than the regular meats.  


Since there is a standard charging fee for certifications already, there will not be significant costs for slaughter houses to switch to preparing “Halal” meats seven days a week. The final push comes when the  overseas markets open up for Canadian “Halal” meats in Muslim countries recently. An easy way to maximize profits is to produce “Halal” meats without exception, and just use separately printed and labeled boxes to satisfy two groups of consumers. There is no need to keep separate inventories for non-halal consumers gain!


My investigations suggest to me that this is the future trend for the Canadian slaughter houses. They will produce all “Halal” meats only but packaged them separately. That way, they will not “offend” religious non-muslim consumers who will not want to buy meats coming from animals slaughtered while the name of another God (Allah) is invoked. Many of these people have already stopped buying or eating “Halal” meats from shops and restaurants.


Consumers have a right to know what kind of meat they are buying. To sell “Halal” meats as regular meats would not only be unethical but also depriving consumers of choices. Unless the consumers are organized and take actions, the days of “Halal” meats only will be upon us very soon.



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