

China faces giant infant syndrome
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
在中国国际学生出国留学的巨大浪潮淹没了美国校园之际,有三分之一的美国留学生来自中国大陆。但是这些留学生们的表现却不如人意。 2013-14年度,约有8,000名中国学生被美国高校开除,其主要是因为作弊或成绩过不了关。

Massive waves of Chinese international students have flooded US campuses, with a third of foreign students in the US being from China. But their performances are less-than-stellar. About 8,000 Chinese students were expelled from US colleges and universities in 2013-14, primarily because of cheating or failing. 


But apart from the inherent cultural and language challenges, Chinese students lack the desire for success and ambitions to achieve. Their eagerness to embrace an extravagant lifestyle in North American learning environment by blowing their parent’s money away – from dressing in designer clothes to wearing expensive jewelries to driving sports cars -- has been increasingly despised and frowned upon by their Canadian counterparts.


Complaints against these students were abundant from the local Chinese community, many of whom have a connection with these kids through families and friends. Some kids call home almost every day sobbing, while others stop going to classes and lost themselves in video games. “He has totally failed our expectations, “ says Mr. Liu, whose nephew from China has been enrolled into a college in Toronto. 


A widely-circulated WeChat story has offered a glimpse into the disturbing and dark nature of the over-indulged selfish generation. A boy from China was eating in a restaurant in Hong Kong with her granny. When he didn’t see the meat that was covered by noodles at the top, he started to yell at his granny, accusing her of not offering her portion of meat to him and of secretively finishing the meat behind his back. After granny’s calm defense failed to convince him, he smashed two bowls of noodle soup in front of all customers and stormed out of the restaurant in anger. His action left everyone at the scene stunned. 

The generation’s problems can be traced to the fact that China has faced a giant infant syndrome, where children raised under China’s one child policy are struggling to find independence and fulfillment in fast-changing society. As Chinese mothers and fathers increasingly expand their influence on their children’s lives beyond school and into career, marriage, housing purchase and child-rearing, a growing number of children have been deprived of the chance to develop social skills and the sense of self-sufficiency.


“Chinese people have “giant infant” syndrome … The mental age of most of adults in China are stuck at the level of a 6-month-old infant, claims Wu Zhihong, psychoanalyst who has spent 21 years researching family and society in China. 


According to Wu, as wealth are accumulated and fortunes are made, family values have changed over the past 30 years, with less focus on children’s respect for their elders but more on parents’ relentless devotions to their offspring. This ethos has destroyed Chinese strict parenting tradition, leaving tiger mothers from earlier times gasp and sigh. 



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