

Chinese workplace: a different type of sexual scandal than Harvey Weinstein
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
随着哈维•温斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)丑闻继续在电影界发酵,越来越多的好莱坞大腕面临着性骚扰的指控。自从关于温斯坦的丑闻爆发以来,许多性骚扰的指控浮出水面,暴露出西方工作场所普遍存在的性侵现象。 在大牌明星凯文•斯帕西(Kevin Spacy)遭到10几年前曾性侵一名14岁的男孩的指控后,Netflix已经终止了“纸牌屋”与他签署的合同。

A growing number of Hollywood A-listers face accusations of sexual harassment as Harvey Weinstein scandals continues to roil the film industry. Since the reports about Weinstein broke out, waves of sexual violence accusations have poured out, exposing pervasiveness of sexual harassments in Western workplace. Netflix has ended Housing of Card contract with Kevin Spacy, after the star is alleged of sexually assaulted a 14-year-old decades ago. 


The crisis has been quickly seized by China’s propaganda operation as an opportunity to advance Beijing’s political interest. In a bid to show that China is immune from Western problems, China’s flagship English newspaper, China Daily, recently published a commentary, claiming the Harvey Weinstein type predators do not exist in China, because “Chinese men are taught to be protective of their women. Misbehaving toward women, including harassing them sexually, contradicts every Chinese traditional value and custom.”

这篇评论激起了中国女权主义者和反性骚扰活动家的愤怒和强烈反弹,他们指责中国日报所言纯属彻头彻尾的谎话,并称性骚扰是中国职场中普遍存在的现象。但具有讽刺意味的是,中国日报的这个说法似乎有某些“真相”成分。虽然对性丑闻在中国职场屡见不鲜并且是一个公开的秘密,但中国许多性丑闻并非完全照搬哈维•温斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)方式,因为丑闻中的中国女性扮演着与西方女性完全不同的角色。

The article has sparked fierce criticism and anger from feminists and anti-sexual harassment activists, who accuse the piece of being an outright lie, arguing sexual harassment is a widespread phenomenon in Chinese workplace.  But ironically, the claim seems to contain some element of “truth”. While sexual controversies are prevalent and are open secrets in the Chinese society, a lot of scandals are not purely Harvey Weinstein style, because women in the scandals play a completely different role than their Western counterparts.


In general, men’s sexual advances would make women feel insulted, humiliated, and stomach churning,  taking a toll on women’s physical and mental health. Under high moral standards and empowered by zero-tolerance legislations in Western countries, women facing harassments would make decisions to stand up, speak up, and fight back. They file complaints and reach to the media, seeking every avenue available to protect their dignity and self-esteem. But this is in sharp contrast to many Chinese young women who are not only accepting to the men’s inappropriate advances but shamelessly cooperating in the schemes. They want to be “taken care of” by the men and are willing to use it to their own advantage. 


The most prominent controversy would be China’s material girl Guo Meimei, who shamelessly and fearlessly pursued material wealth through sugar daddies, using her youth, beauty and charm.  Leveraging the supreme power and influence of the men in her relationships, she had not only lived a lavish lifestyle but also snatched a top-notched job title that she was no where close to deserve: ‘Commercial General Manager of the Red Cross Society of China’.


But despite the scandal and after being arrested, Guo, through her picture showing a doll-eyed young girl driving a white Maserati and her posts displaying her designer collections and massive wealth, has continued to fascinate the public and induced a flood of online followers, a phenomenon that lays bare of the dark and salacious side of modern Chinese society.

事实上,中国正在经历一场已经把所有传统的价值观和伦理都一扫无余的道德危机。在中国高级政党官员和富豪阶层中,包养情妇的通奸行为非常普遍,成千上万倒台的反腐败官员一生中都包养了不止一个以上的情妇。但 “每个腐败的官员背后都有一个算计他的情妇“。这句中国现金时髦的说法充分勾勒出了中国年青女孩的无耻贪婪的一面。

The fact is that China has experienced moral crisis that has swept all traditional values and ethics away. In China, adultery is common among senior party and government officials and wealthy elite,  and hundreds of thousands of corrupted officials who have been caught up in anti-corruption drive are exposed to have more than one mistress in their life. But "behind every corrupt official is a scheming mistress," the sayings has painted a perfect portrait of many shameless and disgraced Chinese young women who want to match the worst behaviour of men. 

If China’s propaganda mission intends to use positive domestic news to shame the crisis abroad, the effort fails to reach its purpose. Instead,  it highlights the moral crisis it is facing, giving a direct exposure of its corrupted ethical landscape.



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