

Some Ontario mayors don’t want marijuana stores in their cities
来源: Bob Mok
With the July 1, 2018 target date approaching rapidly when recreational use of marijuana is to be legalized, the Federal and Provincial Governments are rushing to finalize the necessary details to launch the program off the ground. For our previous article, please click: http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/663041

In November, 2017, Ontario named the first wave of 40 recreational marijuana stores. They are to be located in 14 municipalities including Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Vaughan, and Hamilton. The province intends to open 40 standalone stores by July 2018, an additional 80 by July 2019 and a total of 150 by 2020.

Premier Kathleen Wynne met with GTA and Hamilton-area mayors in November, and promised a clampdown on illegal storefront dispensaries and vowed to help municipalities cope with the legalization of marijuana. She admitted there are still many questions Ottawa must answer including how marijuana will be taxed before Queen’s Park can finalize any plan to aid cities with the new costs. Shortly after this, agreement was reached and marijuana is to be taxed at one dollar per gram – 70 cents go to the provinces and 30 cents go to Ottawa. These new costs are necessary to set up and maintain enforcement mechanisms, and to hire bylaw enforcement officers.
In York Region, a number of mayors have come out against proposed marijuana stores in their municipalities. The group includes Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti,  Richmond Hill Mayor Dave Barrow, and East Gwillimbury Mayor Virginia Hackson. They do not want to be included in the initial list of stores, claiming that they need the resources to make sure they can facilitate the  implementation of the law. The Chief of Police for York Region has pegged the minimum cost to regulate and enforce the new laws at around $3 million.

Richmond Hill Mayor Dave Barrow said the town hasn't been consulted about where potential stores would be located and that the province hasn't indicated it would direct any additional revenue to municipalities that host the stores. He brought forward a motion in Council to advise Ontario that "Richmond Hill is not a willing host of a cannabis retail location in our community." Can a municipal government really impede and reject the plans of the provincial government? I don't think so.
In cities and towns with substantial populations of Chinese heritage, the reception to the legalization of recreational marijuana is negative. In a survey conducted by Civic Promoters recently on the internet targeting GTA Chinese residents, over 90% oppose the legalization of recreational marijuana. However, only 7.4% of the respondents to the survey are under 39 years old which is not a proper representation of the population demographics. Ironically, this is the one group that is mostly likely to have supported the legalization.
Richmond Hill Councillor Godwin Chan陈志辉states that the Federal Government's intention to limit youths from coming into contact with marijuana through legalization defies logic. The solution is de-criminalization so that youths will not have a criminal record from marijuana smoking.

Many other municipal politicians and school trustees of Chinese heritage have voiced their concerns as well. Why? 2018 is a municipal elections year!
The federal Cannabis Act allows for the growing of 4 marijuana plants for each household with no restrictions on height and outdoor growing. The provinces and municipalities are free to make further restrictions on these regulations but one can see that they will probably shy away from exercising these options for fear of legal challenges.

The growing of large marijuana plants in confounded areas will lead to mildew growth in the dwellings as they need a humid environment, strong lighting, and constant watering to achieve good yields. This is one area that has yet to be addressed by apartments, condominiums, townhouses, and semi-detached home owners. The potential for litigation from neighbors arising from personal growing of marijuana plants will hit us square in the face in the near future.

In a December interview with TVA television station in Quebec, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau started back-paddling and declared that the legalization date will be in “Summer, but not July 1”, contrary to the announcement made by the Health Department earlier.
This reminds us of the words from the last election campaign - “He's not ready”. Like the then Liberal Party leader, the legalization of recreational marijuana is not ready for July 1, 2018, not for a long time!




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