

Why I Don’t Take Offense to Trump Saying “Chinese Virus”?
来源: 王芫

在新冠病毒被正式命名为COVID-19之前,川普曾将其称之为“中国病毒”,并引发了华裔美国人社区的抗议。 当时我写过一篇英文博客文章,标题就叫《我不对川普说“中国病毒”感到生气》。为什么我要这样写呢?我先给大家讲一讲写文章当天我经历了什么。

Trump once called the novel coronavirus the “Chinese virus” before it was officially named COVID-19, and in doing so, he sparked protest from the Chinese American community. In the heat of the debate, I wrote a blog post entitled, “I Don’t Take Offense to Trump Saying ‘Chinese virus’.” To explain why I wrote what I wrote, I’d like to revisit what happened to me personally around that time.


“模范维族公民”离奇失踪数年 在美国当律师的姐姐为其奔走喊冤
疫情过后 大公司会舍弃在市中心高层写字楼办公吗?
专家:托儿服务滞后将会影响女性就业率 拖累疫情过后经济恢复



On the morning of March 12th, my daughter called and asked if she could come back home. My daughter had gone off to college two years ago and I had since downsized to an apartment. Her school started holding classes online, so she wanted to move back in. I went to my complex’s leasing office to see if they had any larger units available. As I was taking tours of available units, I received an email from my son’s school. It turned out that starting the next day, my son wouldn’t have a school to go to either. Now I needed an even bigger unit. I spent the whole day shuffling between apartments, examining my budget, debating various solutions, and finally, applying for the largest unit I could afford.


Dinnertime came. I was in no mood to cook, so I drove to a nearby supermarket. I was stunned by the long lines leading to the checkstands. Each one stretched back into the maze of aisles and out of sight. Every cart was loaded to capacity. There were staples like meat, milk, eggs, frozen food, and toilet paper. Everyone in line looked tired and bewildered. Everyone was anxiously staring at their phones, moving slowly and mechanically forward. I sensed tension in the air. I felt as if I was in rush hour traffic and a road rage incident could occur any minute. I suddenly remembered that Trump had called the coronavirus the “Chinese virus” and I instantly became very self-conscious about my Asian face. I asked myself: What if a person came out of the line and punched me in the face and screamed at me for launching the “Chinese virus”? What would I do?


I would say, “I’m sorry.” That’s what I would do. I really felt sorry that I was from the country that caused this. As a person with no money issues, I felt defeated enough after a long day wasted. Then I had to wait for half an hour in line just to buy dinner. Imagine if I worked in tourism, entertainment, or transportation. How could you expect me to calmly deal with sudden unemployment, extra childcare costs, and the evaporation of my stock portfolio? Their lives had been disrupted for no reason.


I knew it was wrong for Trump to say “Chinese virus” because experts had pointed out that naming viruses after geographic locations or groups of people was problematic for a host of reasons. But as a Chinese immigrant, if you feel angry at Trump for calling it the “Chinese virus,” it means you only consider yourself. You don’t feel one ounce of apology for burdening people.


Trump took it back due to pressure from every direction. Now we have an official name for this novel coronavirus which is COVID-19. But whatever the virus is named, it is no denying that globalization enabled the virus to spread globally. People might think that globalization is a mistake. That’s the deep reason for Trump saying “Chinese virus.” It is consistent with his anti-globalization stance.


I need to point out now that I was only speaking as a Chinese immigrant when I said that I didn’t take offense to Trump saying “Chinese virus.” I was able to leave China because globalization gave me the opportunity. As an immigrant, I don’t think I should take the advantage of globalization but reject the blame. But for ABCs and CBCs whose families have been here for generations, they have the right to be angry at Trump for calling it “the Chinese virus,” because they have nothing to do with what’s going on in China.


Many of my generation chose to leave China to pursue our own happiness. But the more people leave China, the less hope remains that China can ever change. It’s easy to criticize Trump for fanning racism and xenophobia, but I don’t want to go in that direction.


There are lots of meaningful things for us to do. For example, we could start a petition calling for Trump to pressure China into tearing down the Great Firewall. It is not fair that virus could get out of China, but information could not. President Ronald Reagan made a famous speech in 1987 calling on Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. Two years after that speech, the world finally saw the fall of the Berlin Wall. Trump could do the same thing. He could tweet, “If you seek prosperity for China… If you seek liberalization… Mr. Xi, tear down this wall.”


As a Chinese Canadian/Chinese American, we hate to see conflicts between the country we were born in and the country we have pledged an oath of allegiance to. To encourage China to tear down the Great Firewall is one of the few things, if not the only thing, that could benefit Chinese people at absolutely no cost to Canada/the United States. It will be a true win-win.


* Anna Wang was born and raised in Beijing, China, she received her BA from Peking University and is a full-time writer. She has published nine books in Chinese. These include two short story collections, one essay collection, four novels, and two translations. An English translation of her short stories, Beijing Women: Stories, was published in 2014. Inconvenient Memories is her debut book written in English.




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