
央行有效对付通胀 加国房产主受益(观点)

Opinion: A Tale of Two Inflation Battles: How Rate Cuts Impacted Canadian Homeownership Then and Now
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)


With inflation dropping significantly to 1.6%, Canada has claimed another victory against the inflation that was a central concern for the economy over the past few years. But this isn’t the first time the country has faced such soaring prices. The 1980s saw one of the most painful inflation battles in Canada’s history, with inflation peaking at 12-13% in 1981. Although the Bank of Canada (BoC) began raising interest rates in the 1970s, its response was slower and less aggressive, allowing inflation to become deeply entrenched. In contrast, this time around, the BoC responded swiftly and aggressively, with rapid rate hikes as inflation peaked at 8.1% in 2022. As inflation cools and more rate cuts are now on the horizon, the comparison between these two inflationary episodes highlights how the BoC’s quicker response today has helped stabilize the economy, particularly for Canadian homeowners.

在1980年代初期,加拿大央行面临着严峻的通胀危机。为了应对通胀,央行在1981年将基准利率提高到了令人惊叹的21.75%,导致许多房主,尤其是那些持有浮动利率按揭贷款者,面临急剧上升的按揭付款。此次通胀造成了巨大的经济损失。房屋拥有率大幅滑坡,中等收入家庭受到重创。许多加拿大人面对停滞的工资增长和上升的失业率,以至因付不起银行贷款而不得不放弃房产,foreclosure 浪潮此起彼伏。到1983年,全国的止赎率飙升至0.7%,是通常0.2-0.3%水平的两倍多。

In the early 1980s, the BoC faced a daunting inflation crisis. To combat inflation, the central bank raised the prime interest rate to an eye-watering 21.75% in 1981, leaving many homeowners—especially those with variable-rate mortgages—facing skyrocketing mortgage payments. The result was devastating. Homeownership rates dropped significantly, with middle-income families particularly hard hit. Many Canadians, already struggling with stagnant wage growth and rising unemployment, were forced to default on their homes, resulting in waves of foreclosures. By 1983, the national foreclosure rate had spiked to 0.7%, more than double the typical rate of 0.2-0.3%.

利率最终还是降了,但高利率一直持续至1980年代中期,届时加国房市已哀鸿遍野。 央行的降息决定的确让房产主们松了口气,但对于成千上万已经失去房屋拥有权的加拿大家庭来说为时已晚。这场经济创伤持续了多年,房市久久无法复苏。

Rate cuts did eventually come, but not until the mid-1980s. By then, the damage had been done. The BoC’s decision to slash rates brought some relief, but it was too late for the thousands of Canadian households that had already lost their homes. The housing market was slow to recover, and the economic scars lasted for years.


Fast forward to 2024, and while inflation once again surged, reaching 8.1% in mid-2022, the BoC has acted differently this time around, using a more proactive and preemptive approach. This shift in strategy is crucial in protecting Canadian homeowners, as homeownership has remained much more stable in this inflation episode.  With the national foreclosure rate staying around 0.3-0.4%, slightly higher than the typical 0.2-0.3% range—it remains far more stable than the surge seen in the 1980s.. Many homeowners with variable-rate mortgages faced financial strain when rates spiked, but the upcoming rate cuts could help stabilize monthly payments, providing much-needed relief before economic hardship sets in.  


The 1980s taught the BoC and Canadian policymakers a hard lesson: slow and delayed monetary responses can devastate households and the economy. Today, as the BoC prepares to cut rates to sustain economic stability, it’s clear that lessons from the past have informed a more cautious, balanced approach. While the inflationary episodes of the 1980s and today are different in many ways, the ability to cut rates more swiftly in today’s context shows how central banks can provide quicker relief to homeowners. With a proactive approach, Canadian homeowners can hope for a more stable financial future, even in uncertain times.




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