

来源: 大中报记者埃里克-爱民-伍德(Eric Emin Wood)

Liberal party angers its own federal Trinity-Spadina riding association


All candidates must be treated equally and fairly in an electoral race and public scrutiny is critical to ensure that it is carried out in a democratic way.


Two weeks ago the federal Liberal party angered its own supporters when it blocked a two-time candidate from running again in the upcoming by-election in the Trinity-Spadina riding. Many voters in the riding are from the Chinese community, which has seen a growth in political enthusiasm as more candidates from the community are running for office. Hopefully, the article below will shed some light on what a voter can do to ensure that the candidates’ rights are respected and open nominations are upheld.

在多伦多圣三一-士巴丹拿选区2008年和2011年的选举中,律师英尼斯(Christine Innes)都输给了前新民主党国会议员邹至蕙,而她在3月13日(周四)获悉自己将被禁止第三度代表联邦自由党参加该选区的补选,联邦自由党竞选事务主席麦克诺顿在发电邮通知袁丽思的同时,也知会了加通社。

Lawyer Christine Innes, who lost to former MP Olivia Chow in 2008 and 2011, learned on Thursday March 13 that she would be prevented from running a third time as the federal Liberal candidate for Trinity-Spadina — from an e-mail the party’s Ontario campaign co-chair David MacNaughton sent at the same time to the Canadian Press.


Neither Ms. Innes nor her supporters in the Federal Trinity-Spadina Liberal Riding Association were notified of the decision beforehand, Association President Julia Metus told Chinese News, despite meetings with the party on March 7 and 10. Most association members learned that Ms. Innes would not be allowed to run in the byelection when the Canadian Press story ran.


On March 19 the Association’s executive team met to discuss how to respond, and after writing a statement expressing their disappointment, discovered they could no longer log into the Liberal Party’s messaging system to send it.


The next day — while Liberal leader Justin Trudeau visited the riding to meet with its provincial riding association — they sent out an angry press release instead.


“There was absolutely no due or fair process” Ms. Metus wrote in response to the party’s decision. “No one picked up the phone to contact me, there was no opportunity to discuss their concerns, and there was zero local involvement. This is contrary to everything the Liberal Party – new or otherwise – is supposed to stand for.”


Ms. Metus believes Ms. Innes was blocked from running because she refused to commit to one of three new federal ridings that will be created from the existing Trinity-Spadina and Toronto Centre ridings in the next election.


Toronto Centre MP Chrystia Freeland, who was hand-picked by Trudeau for another byelection last year, intends to run in the new northernmost riding, University-Rosedale, while the party reportedly asked Ms. Innes to promise that she’d seek the nomination for the southernmost new riding, Spadina-Fort York. She refused.


Ms. Metus speculates that Ms. Innes did not want to seek votes in Trinity-Spadina’s northern neighbourhoods, only to lose those votes after the borders were redrawn.

联邦自由党发言人哈利(Andree-Lynn Halle)在一份书面声明中告诉《大中报》,自由党之所以阻止英尼斯参选,是因为其资格审查委员会接到许多年轻志愿者的报告,称他们接到来自英尼斯竞选团队官员的“恐吓”电话,但他并未详细说明令志愿者感到害怕的原因。

Andrée-Lyne Hallé, a communications manager with the federal Liberals, told Chinese News in a written statement that the party prevented Ms. Innes from running again after its green light committee received a number of reports from young volunteers saying they had received “intimidating” calls from her campaign officials, though she did not specify why the volunteers felt intimidated.


According to the Canadian Press, several young Liberals testified that Ms. Innes’ husband Ianno suggested they would have no future with the party if they supported Ms. Freeland and questioned Mr. Trudeau’s leadership.


“This is not the kind of behaviour that we believe has any place in today’s Liberal Party of Canada,” Ms. Hallé told Chinese News. “As a result, the provincial campaign co-chairs made the decision to not approve Ms. Innes as potential contestant for the nomination.”


Ms. Hallé said the party remains committed to open nominations for its next candidate, writing that members would be invited to select “strong community voices to represent them.”


“This does not, however, mean that everyone is entitled to be a candidate,” she said, “regardless of what they do or how they or their campaign teams behave.”


Ms. Metus believes that part of the issue is the Liberal party and the Trinity-Spadina Riding Association seem to define the term “open nomination” differently.


“I think ‘open nomination’ means that members get to vote for who they want their candidate to be,” she says. “There is a vetting system which is completely necessary, but I don’t think that the layperson understands its details, and how it translates to the term ‘open nomination.’”


Despite her recent experience, Ms. Metus remains a committed Liberal supporter.


“I think Trudeau is going to be a fantastic prime minister,” she says. “I’m looking forward to the election, and the results, and I hope that this doesn’t discourage voters or change any members’ minds.”




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